Chapter Sixteen-Ew, Really?

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Chapter Sixteen-Ew, Really?

I threw my hands up in the air and fell back into my bed.

"I give up! I can't find anything to wear!" I groan.

"Leah, what on earth are you doing?" My mother's voice rang from the bottom of the stairs.

"Just wasting my time trying to find an outfit for my friend's party." I replied and I heard her sigh before footsteps echo in the air.

"Let me see." She came into my room and started looking through the clothes in my closet.

"How about this?" She asked, pulling out a pink dress.

"Ha, you're very funny. I told you I wasn't going to wear that when you bought it for me but you didn't listen. I'm don't like the color pink." I told her sarcastically.

"You can drop the attitude." She gave me a look.

"When you tried this on, it was very cute. What do you have against it?" She asked, holding up and looking at it.

"Besides the fact that it's pink, oh and that it makes me look cute?" I said.

"I don't want to look cute. Cute is for tweens. I'm a teen. 17 to exact." I crossed my arms.

"Well you certainly aren't going sexy." She snapped and I pursed my lips.

"I never said sexy. I want to look decent. I want to look like I have some sense and that dress will make me look like I'm four." I argued.

"Oh, Leah. You're so dramatic. The dress is perfectly fine." She replied.

"Mom, please, I can handle this on my own. I'll see what I can find." I maneuvered past her.

"This, I like this." I pulled out a dark blue dress.

"Ew, that's ugly. I don't even know why I let you get that." My mother shook her head as she scrunched her face up.

"I'm wearing it. You and I have totally different tastes." I said.

"Put that up, you're wearing the pink one." She told me and my mouth stopped open.

"Are you telling me what to wear?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Yes, now put it on." She demanded.

"I know how to dress myself, mother." I scoffed.



"I said, now, Leah." She snapped and I growled lowly as I stripped and tugged the dress on.

"Actually, I'm just not going to go." I said, starting to pull the dress off but my mother yanks it down.


"You're going, Leah. No if, ands, or buts. You're going." She left me no choice but to comply.

"Fine." I held back the need to stomp my foot.

It would only make me look like in four and the dress was already not helping.

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