Chapter Eleven-The Unexpected Call

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Chapter Eleven- The Unexpected Call

I woke up to the sound of my ringtone blasting by my ear on my nightstand. I shot up in my bed and looked around with wide eyes, trying to figure out where I was and what was going on.

I snatched my phone from the nightstand and sheilded my eyes away from the bright screen.

Who was calling me at...

I looked at my alarm clock on my dresser and groaned.

12:32? Really? Who is still up at this time?

I went to shut it off and go back to sleep but I stopped seeing who the caller was.


I quickly answered it and put the phone to my ear.

"Jake?" I whispered, still in a sleepy daze.

"Leah?" He asked.

My heart warmed at the sound of his voice and butterflies errupted in my stomach.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey, sorry I haven't been able to contact you. I've ben rushing around and trying to help my aunt. She was just put in the hospital because she fell down the stairs. She is really weak and now has a broken leg. I've been at the hospital with her for most nights. I just got out now." He told me.

"Oh, Jake, I'm so sorry. How's she doing?" I felt a dull ache in my heart, knowing he was hurt.

"She's ok. She's been sleeping alot. The doctor said she'll be out by next week." He replied.

I thought I heard amusement in his voice but I must have imagined it because there was no reason to think anything was funny.

"So how are you? Are you liking your new school and town?" He asked me.

"No, it's not the same. The town is small and they don't really have anything to do. I've made a couple of friends but they aren't like Lilly, Courtney, and Cameron. I miss you guys." I sighed, shaking my head.

"I know what you mean." I could imagine him giving a weak smile.

Jake's moved around a lot when he was younger. He came to North Carolina in eighth grade and we became friends. His parents liked the town so he stayed and we grew to like each other more than friends when Freshman year came.

"Are the teacher's nice?" He joked.

I snorted.

"Yeah, that isn't the same either. Their is this one guy named Mr. Snyder and he's a complete jerk. He acts like everyone is above him and he couldn't be bothered with teaching us. He thinks we're all stupid. And then don't get me started on the popular girl. She's a completel bitch. She walked up to this one girl and smacked her because she was apparently looking at the popular girl's boyfriend. Maybe it happened earlier in the day but that gives her no right to go around smacking people." I yapped away.

He laughed.

"Monica's actually getting a little bored without you around here. She misses you and so does everyone else." He said and I looked down at my free hand which was sitting in my lap.

Monica was the It Girl back in North Carolina.

"Yeah, I miss everyone too." I sighed again.

"Well, I've got to go. I'm home now so I'll talk to you later." He said and I replied with a "Goodnight".

I went back to sleep, feeling happy that I'd finally been able to talk to Jake.

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