Chapter Thirteen-The Mistake I Fully Regret

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Chapter Thirteen-The Mistake I Fully Regret

It was Monday and I dreaded going to school. I had made a huge mistake Friday and I fully regretted it. I'd have to face Cassius today and play a game that was meant for little girls to dream of playing.

God, I'm stupid!

I slowly got out of bed and made my way sleeply, to my bathroom. I stripped, getting into the shower and allowing the hot water to pour down on my body.

I didn't know what I was going to do today. I had acted childishly on Friday and challenged a High School player to a little kids game and I didn't know how I was going to end it.

There was no way I'd be able to make a guy fall in love with me. I didn't know how to. I didn't know any seductive moves or whatever girls do these days to get guys to like them.

I ran a comb through my hair as I starred at myself in the mirror.

"Just be yourself and once he sees how boring you are, he'll laugh and quit the game saying I'm too easy to win against." I told myself calmly.

My heart was racing and by the time I was pulling a pair of white jeans on, my hands were shaking. I slipped on a black sweater since the weather was slowly changing to winter.

I sighed shakily, wondering how I was ever going to get out of this mess I'd created.

"Leah, you up?" My mother called up the stairs.

"Yeah!" I replied, grabbing my black Toms and my bag.

I quickly went downstairs, grabbing a granola bar and my lunch before leaving the house.

I walked to my bus stop, feeling very nervous. I tapped my foot against the pavement as I chewed my granola bar, waiting for the bus.

I wanted time to stop and let me breathe for a moment, or better yet I wish time would rewind all the way back to Friday afternoon when I was having lunch with Cassius.

The bus came and time didn't stop, much to my disappointment.

I got on, sitting in the second seat to the front. I wanted to be one of the first ones getting off this bus when we got to school. It was way to early in the morning to be waiting in a stupid line of kids who didn't know how to walk.

I checked my phone and saw that I had two missed messages. One was from Courtney and the other was from...Jake.

I sucked in a breath and starred at the screen. Could I do it? Could I muster up the courage to look at the text he sent after the dream I had?

I put my phone down, turning it off, unable to look at the messages. I'd do it later after I fixed the very messy situation I was in with Cassius.

The bus finally arrived at school and thankfully no one sat by me today so I easily slipped off the bus.

I spotted Anna and Claire standing with each other but they both had scowls on their faces and weren't talking. Even though they stood together, they had their backs to one another.

I sighed, shaking my head. That was another thing I'd have to fix.

I made my way over to the two, a nervous smile making its way onto my face. I glanced around for Cassius and was relieved to see that he wasn't out here.

"Hey guys." I greeted them.

"Hey." They each gave me a quick glance before going back to ignoring each other.

They both had their noses held high as if neither was willing to submit or be mature.

"Really? You guys are arguing this early in the morning?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes tiredly.

"It's not my fault Anna doesn't understand why we have to have a party tonight. She wastes too much time with her nose twelve inches deep into a cheesy romance book." Claire crosses her arms tighter to her chest in defiance.

Anna scoffed.

"At least I'm not sleeping around getting STDs from random guys I don't even know." Anna retorted.

"You bitch!" Claire whipped around and started to reach for Anna's throat.

Anna met her half way and they started clawing at each other.

"Guys, c'mon. It's 7 in the morning! Anna, you don't like parties but that doesn't mean Claire sleeps around. Claire, you may not like books but that gives you no right to make fun of Anna for it. Everyone likes different things." I break them up, trying not to get scratched myself.

They growled at one another but thankfully didn't go at each other again.

"You'd better watch your back," Claire warned Anna before marching off.

"Whore." Anna muttered when she was out if hearing distance.

And my speech goes in one ear and out the other!

Hey guys, a pic of Leah on the side------------------------------------------------------------------->

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