Chapter Four-I Heard You Were A Player

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Chapter Four-I Heard You Were A Player

I was in third period which was actually JROTC. It was by the auditorium on the right side of the school. It was actually wedged in between two gyms.

I walked in and was surprised to find it pretty big. There were two rooms opposite from each other and the other room was a bit beyond them. The far room was bigger than the others.

Both rooms, one on my right and the farther one, had people in them so I didn't know which room to go in. The room on my right, the people looked a little scary so I went into the farther room.

I cautiously stepped in, biting my lip and found a man with barely any hair wearing an army uniform. He was sitting at his desk.

I looked ahead of him and saw a whole bunch of tables circled together around four tables in the center. Only four kids were in the room so far.

The man looked up from his desk and stood up.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"I'm new. My name's Leah Colmes." I replied.

He looked back down at his desk, ran his finger over a clipboard with a piece of paper clipped to it before looking back at me while straightening his shirt out.

"Alright Mrs. Colmes, have a seat beside Mrs. Sanders. You can call me Sergeant Major." He said, nodding towards the empty seat by a girl who was the smallest thing I'd ever seen. The chair seemed to swallow her. Definitely a freshman.

"Thank you." I simply said before taking a seat next to the small girl.

"Hi, I'm Anna." She chirped, shifting in her seat so she faced me.

Her hands were under her legs and her shoulders were scrunched up near her face.

"Leah, nice to meet you." I gave her a short smile.

"Where you from?" She asked as kids started to trickle in.

"North Carolina. My parents wanted new scenery." I told her.

"That has to suck. You look like you were a popular girl, were you?" She tilted her head.

"You could say that," I snorted.

I was the chick who would talk to everyone, no matter who they were or what they were labeled. I'm not like Mrs. Bitch out there where I slap everyone who looks at people a certain way.

"Alright, class, at ease. Let's take role." The Sergeant said.

"When you reply, just say Sergeant Major or say here Sergeant Major. He'll call you out if yo don't and make you do push ups." Anna leaned over towards me.

"Thanks." I said.

"Baldwen," The teacher called.

"Here Sergeant Major," A scrawny kid called back.

"Colmes," The teacher called.

"Here Sergeant Major," I answered and he nodded, glancing up at me before going to the next person.

It was a little different in North Carolina. The JROTC instructor would tell us to call him Sir instead of Sergeant. I don't know, that was just what he wanted.


The door to the left of the class swings open and a boy walked in. I felt something stir inside me as he passed the front of the room and took a seat.

Damn, he's hot.

"Mr. Jackson, 50 push-ups," The Sergeant ordered, giving the boy a disapproving look.

"Yes, sir," The boy replied and slipped out of his seat and getting into push-up position on the floor.

He lifted himself down with ease as he pushed up. Muscles bulged from his arms.

I felt warmth curl around my insides and I struggled to hold in a shudder.

"I know that look. Don't mess with him, he's the biggest player of the school." Anna whispered, giving me a stern look.

"How would you know?" I questioned.

So this was Claire's brother? This is the one that she wanted to meet the wrong girl?

"I'm a junior," She gave me a 'duh' look.

What? How was that possible? Does she know how small she is?

"Hey, sorry, it's not my fault you look like a freshman!" I defended myself.

She scowled.

"Don't ever call me that again," She pursed her lips.

"Fine," I raised my eyebrows.

"Permission to recover?" The boy asked.

"Get up and stop being late. Your latest girlfriend doesn't need your attention 24/7." The Sergeant grumbled and the boy got up, sliding back into his seat.

"Colmes, why don't you stand up and tell us why you joined JROTC and why you moved." He said, looking at me.

I slowly stood, everyone's eyes turning to me. Again, another reason why I really didn't want to move.

"I was in the JROTC program back in North Carolina and I joined because it was different, I wanted something new. We moved here because my parents wanted to." I said and sat back down.

"So you must be happy that you moved? You like different things right?" The Sergeant asked.

"No, I'm not happy that we moved. I hate it here. Nothing is the same." I shook my head.

"Interesting." He replied.

How was that interesting?

I glanced over at the boy, the hot one, and felt butterflies flutter in my stomach when I saw him looking at me.

Oh dear god, the player has set his eyes on me. I better run like hell.

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