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As soon as Cadie got off the bus, she breathed out in relief. She had made it through the bus ride without throwing up and even managed to make Hunter almost as awkward as she was. 

But unfortunately for her, the confidence and adrenaline rush she had in the morning was beginning to wear off. And it wasn't helping that everyone in the hallway was eyeing her like a piece of meat.

Cadie opened her locker and grabbed her books for first period, taking deep breaths and trying to prepare herself. She could handle staring, but talking? That was going to be different.

"Hey," a deep voice said from behind her, causing her to drop her books.

She quickly bent down to pick them up, and when she returned to standing, Aaron Jones, the resident "bad boy" was right in front of her.

"Uh, um, hey," Cadie said. Oh boy, the awkward was starting to creep back in. Especially because Aaron was scary yet somewhat attractive.

"Are you new?" he asked, taking another step closer to her.

Cadie took a step backwards towards her locker. "N-no," she said shakily.

"How come I haven't seen you before?"

"I-I don't know, I'm kinda usually. Well I don't usually look like this."

Aaron took another step towards her and she took another step back in turn. He was pressed up against her and she was flush against the wall. 

She wasn't sure if this was real. It felt like it was out of a book or TV show. She knew that he was probably going to try something on her. I mean, she was against a wall.

Cadie felt paralyzed and was completely having a brain fart, so when Aaron put his hands on her waist and started leaning in, her plan was to just stand still.

That was, until someone pulled him off of her and she heard a loud crack.

I know I said I was going to sleep but I wanted you to see that Cadie is still figuring out the new her and is still a weirdo sometimes. Also, who do you think pulled Aaron off of Cadie? Let me know! New chapter SHOULD be up tomorrow depending on homework. PS this was my longest chapter!

Picture of Aaron to the side --->

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