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The play ended up going on without a hitch, and Cadie was overjoyed.

Hunter was by her side almost immediately after the show was over, holding a bouquet of daisies, Cadie's favorite flowers.

"You were amazing," Hunter said, giving her a one armed hug. She took the flowers from him and grinned. 

"Thank you, you really didn't have to get me anything. Just you being here means the world to me," Cadie said truthfully.

"Well, I wanted to. Hey, do you have your little gift?"

Cadie grabbed the bag from near her backpack and showed it to Hunter. He gave her a go ahead signal.

She slowly opened the bag and almost exploded on the spot.

"Hunter you di-" she started but he cut her off.

"Just find the note," he said.

Cadie's eyes watered as she read:

CadieI don't think you know how much you mean to me, and for the past few weeks I have been racking my brain for the perfect grand gesture because I know you love them. I ruled out a big gift, you don't like expensive things. I ruled out a public ceremony, you don't like crowds. And finally it dawned on me, I had to give you the one thing you truly cared about.

So Cadie, here it is. It may not be perfect, but I practiced as much as I can. I don't have the perfect peanut butter banana ratio, but now I have you.

PS I hope you get the point that I want you to be my girlfriend c:

"You made me a peanut butter banana sandwich?" Cadie asked, her eyes watering.

Hunter smiled and wiped a tear that escaped her eye. "Don't cry babe, crying is for when you are sad."

"I can't help it," 

"I know," Hunter said, embracing her in a hug.

In that moment, Cadie realized that this was the only thing that really mattered. All her life she had wanted to be noticed by people, but now all that mattered was that she had Hunter, and he had her.

"Cadie Martin, I think I might be in love with you."

"Well that's a relief, because I love you too."

The Peanut Butter Banana Ratio (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now