-twenty nine-

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The next few weeks flew by in a blur, but it was a happy blur.

Hunter and Cadie decided that it was best to keep their relationship just a friendship until the play was over. Hunter still couldn't bear the thought of Cadie kissing anyone else, but if they were together it would be hard for him to refrain from murdering River every time Cadie and him practiced the kissing scene.

On opening night of the play, Hunter snuck backstage to wish Cadie a final good luck. 

"Oh my gosh, hi!" Cadie whisper yelled as soon as she saw him.

He smiled and kissed her on the cheek before pulling her into a hug. Cadie smiled, she couldn't wait for the play to be over so they could date like normal people.

"I brought you something," Hunter said, presenting Cadie with a smallish blue bag.

"What is it?" she asked.

"You'll see," Hunter smirked, "but you just have to wait until after the show is over to open it okay?"

Cadie pouted but agreed.

"That's my girl." Hunter said, smiling at her. "Well, I guess it's time fore me to go. Good luck, I know you're gonna totally dominate."

Cadie blushed and hugged him. Ever since they kissed it took all of her will power not to just grab him and never let go, but soon enough she released him from her grip. 

Hunter smiled again before waving goodbye. 

Cadie took a second to breath before stepping in front of the closed curtains. This was her time to shine. This was what she always wanted, to break out of her shell, to be noticed for once.

And she was finally ready.

This chapter was meh. OH MY GOD 5,000 READS I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GUYS. Also you guys... the next chapter is the last one. Omg. It's so close I can taste it. I might have an epilogue though, and a reaaaaaally long thank you note afterwards xD

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