-twenty four-

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This is another one of those chapters more in Hunter's POV but still 3rd person.

Hunter sat outside on the hood of his car, flipping through the pictures on his phone. Lots of them were pictures he and Cadie had taken together.

He was still looking though his pictures when a few guys Hunter recognized from his grade came near him.

"Hey," one of them said, "you're Hunter, right?"

Hunter nodded, jumping off of the car.

"I'm Aaron," the guy said, and Hunter's features suddenly hardened. Graham had told him earlier about Aaron trying to kiss Cadie. Just the thought made Hunter want to murder him.

"Did you hear me?" Aaron asked, getting annoyed.

"Ya I heard you. I also heard what you tried to do to Cadie." Hunter said. "Did you seriously think you could get away with that? Just cornering her and trying to- I don't even want to talk about it. You make me sick."

Aaron snickered, "dude, chill. She wanted it anyways."

"No, she didn't fucking want it. You made her cry. That's not okay."

"Listen, I don't care anymore. She's fine, so what's the big deal?"

At that point, Hunter was furious. How could someone talk like that about a girl? About Cadie? He was doing everything in his control not to be like the old Hunter, the one who got into fights and hurt people. 

Aaron just looked at Hunter, a stupid smirk on his face. Hunter was this close to punching him when he thought of Cadie.

"Just get out of here," he said instead. "And if you ever talk to Cadie again, I'll kick your ass."

Sorry, this chapter is bad I just can't focus clearly right now. Thanks so much for 3,000 reads. Seriously, my mind is blown.

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