-twenty eight-

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Cadie sat anxiously on her bed. She had basically dragged Hunter to her house after receiving the news from the director. Currently, Hunter was in the bathroom, but she knew he would be out any second.

How was she suposed to tell Hunter, the amazing, sexy, funny, Hunter (who had probably already gotten past 3rd base) that she was being forced into having her first kiss tomorrow?

All too soon, Hunter returned to Cadie's room and sat next to her on the bed. 

"So what's up?" he asked.

And at that point, Cadie decided it was best to spit it out, so what if he knew she had never been kissed? The big issue at hand was how she was going to deal with tomorrow.

"Wait, wait, first of all, do you want to kiss River?" Hunter asked after Cadie explained the situation.

"I mean, he is pretty cute but I don't know him. Oh my god, what am I going to do?"

Hunter bit his lip. He had a plan, but it was risky. "Listen, I think I have an idea,"

"Really? What is it?"

"Well," he said scooting closer to Cadie, "actually I have to ask something first. Do you trust me?"

Cadie looked into his big brown eyes. How could she not? "Ya, of course."

"Okay, then know that I'm doing this for you,"

Cadie nodded and Hunter began putting his plan into action. He scooted over so he was right next to Cadie and turned to face her. Then, expertly placed on hand on her waist and the other on her cheek.

She breathed in sharply. 

"Do you want me to stop?" Hunter asked, his voice much lower than usual. Cadie shook her head and he kept leaning in.

As soon as their lips touched, Cadie basically exploded. Hunter's lips were soft and she felt like she could die having lived a full life.

Cadie wrapped her arms around Hunter's neck and he deepened the kiss. What surprised her the most was that none of this was scaring her, she wasn't nervous or embarrassed, she was happy. 

Hunter pulled away eventually and smiled at Cadie. "So, how was it?" he asked.

"Hunter, that was better than a peanut butter banana sandwich," Cadie said before pulling him in for another kiss.

Okay this was poorly written, sorry I've never kissed a Hunter before. Anyways, I hope the point gets across, sorry I'm about to pass out, it's 1am and blah blah blah. Okay, live you <3

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