Comforting Shoulder...

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*Jade's p.o.v.*

"Anna....Anna. Hey you there?" I called out.

No response.


No response.

"Is anybody home?....Xavier?"


If there is no one home, then why is the front door unlocked. It's not really like them though.

"She went for a movie premiere with Danny." A deep voice interrupted my thoughts.

I turned the other way. To find sitting on the stone cap finish of the hot tub right beside the swimming pool right outside the living room as his back faced towards me and his legs under the bubbling water till his knees.

"Oh!" I nodded.

He didn't once turn around or say anything else. Well that's odd, I mean it's not really like, 'The Great Xavier'. I mean till I remember he always jumped up and tried spending more time with me.

It was silent, and for the first time in my life I felt uncomfortable. I, Jade Miller who accepted silence as a part of me, now hated silence (at least at the moment).

"So why didn't you go?" I breaking the silence.

"Don't want to." He shook his head with a low voice. His voice was sort of depressing though. Never have I once seen him like that.

Well something is up with him. To be honest I don't really bother about these dramas but something inside of me needed to know the issue.

I mean look at him he looks like those cliché actors in those sad movies, where the actor lost everything, all hope and shit. And now he is depressed about how much of his life is fucked up and how he wants to end his life or he takes a decision that changes everything, blah blah blah....

At this point the usual me would have just rolled my eyes and pass. But for some fucked up reasons, just his depressed voice is making my heart heavy. It's kind of painful. And sort of suffocating. I felt like one could feel his pain deep down in the bottom of my heart m.

Man! I don't like this feeling.

And my curiosity so know what up with him is killing me.

It's like a part of me couldn't see him like that, if he was in pain, for some ass wipe reasons I wanted to make it go away. I really wanted to do something, anything.

While a part of me wanted to leave him alone, cause that was not my business, was it? After all I'm nothing more than a cold hearted 'nonexistent thing'.

And the guess what happened.

Yes. Ladies and gentlemen my legs disobeyed my other half and my feets started moving on it own. The next thing I remember was, I stood right next to him and slowly sat beside him without a word.

I slowly remove my boots and lift up my jeans and slowly slide my legs under the warm water.

I was still silent. His didn't once look at me or speak a word.

"It's really warm." I stated.

"Hhmm." He just nodded.

"So no plans for the weekend?"

"Nope." He murmured.

I sighed.

"Not like the usual Xavier."

My Emotionless Darling- Emotionless series #1Where stories live. Discover now