Prison of Ice & Betrayal.....

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*Jade's p.o.v* damn warm.... I could understand it was dream but for the first time in all these years I finally felt warm.

It's as if the bright warm sun finally showed up to my ice cold castle or do I say ice cold prison. The prison that held me, not physical but mentally.

It was always cold in here, it not only froze my head but also my heart. I always felt numb. My body didn't belong to me anymore.

But seems like the sun was trying to warm me up before I could freeze to death.

It was melting away the icy walls and bars of the prison, melting my heart away.

Ssoo comfy...I wanted this no I needed this....

It felt as is the sun was right beside me. I could smell it, it was so intoxicating. It made me feel dizzy.

For the first time I didn't want to wake up....I didn't want this to end.

It felt as if the sun was trying to save my heart. It was trying to make me feel again, love again. Please don't let this end please....

I woke up with a sudden jerk. I opened my eyes see the car stop and my head resting against Xavier's shoulder. I look up to see him asleep.

Without realizing our faces were too close to each other. This was the first time I have seen him this close. I wouldn't lie he kind of looked cute, just like an innocent baby sleeping. And from this close he looked soo much more attractive.

His plump lips, his bangs resting on his forehead, his tiny cute little nose, his eyebrows (does trim them or something or are the natural this perfect).

Damn! Why does he have to look so attractive? And why does he smell soo good and intoxicating just like in my dream that I had a while ago? Why does he fell so warm and comfy?

He seems like the sun from my dream. It's as if it was him the whole time, trying save me, protect me.

As much as I hate to say it I can't deny the fact that this guy right here was melting away my frozen heart, he was breaking through the walls I have built around my heart, breaking the cage I have locked my heart into....

"Xavier." I shook him gently trying to wake him up.

"Xavier." I called again.

"Mmnnn." He responded.

"Wake up we are home."

"Mmnn." He said in a bit annoyed mood.

Then he pouted and made a fist as he started rubbing his eyes like a kid. He then slowly opened his eyes trying blinking several times to adjust with the light. He the itched the back of his head and yawned with his mouth wide open like a tunnel. He looked around to figure out what was going on.

Damn! Why is this guy so cute? Like seriously. If I had a heart I would have seriously fallen for this guy. But unfortunately or fortunately I didn't have one or else I swear I would have at least laughed a bit.

"We are home already?" He asked with his sleeply voice.

"Yep." I said. Adoring his cuteness.

He pouted again and sighed.


We finally dropped them and came back home and yes Larry will be staying with us as he was a family.


Next morning was just like the other boring routined mornings.

Well it was a weekend so I was quite bored. And as usual I thought if I could hit to Anna's place.

My Emotionless Darling- Emotionless series #1Where stories live. Discover now