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Sierra woke and groaned. It was the first day of a new term. Sierra was a teacher at Waterloo Road and she was only twenty-one.

Sierra rolled over and noticed the space next to her was empty. She sat up and her red lace underwear was revealed. "Max?"

Sierra's boyfriend walked in wearing a navy blue suit and white shirt with a navy blue tie. "Looking good."
Max smiled and kissed her. Sierra kissed back and pulled him onto the bed.
"I need some more loving," she said.

Max looked down at her in red lace underwear. Sierra's skin was slightly tanned and the red made her look even more tanned.
"God you're beautiful," he mumbled.
Sierra grinned and kissed him passionately. "I've got an hour."
"That's more time than what I have."
Sierra grinned and kissed him again. "How long?"
"20 minutes."

Instead of having sex, Sierra went to grab a shower. She shaved her bikini line and went to get dressed. "Jeans and vest top or black dress?" She asked herself.
"It's your first day so black dress," Max said from behind her.
Sierra grinned and pulled out her shortest and tightest black dress.

Sierra got out black lace underwear. She pulled the pants on and pulled on the front of the bra. She felt Max's cold hands clip in her bra at the back. He kissed her shoulders.
"Gorgeous," he whispered to her.
Sierra smiled at him. "You excited for today? New job?" She asked.
"Of course. You excited to go back?"
Sierra shrugged. "Be nice to see my mum and the Waterloo Road staff again."

Sierra went downstairs and groaned. "What?"
"Red or black heels?" She asked.
Max smirked. "Black."
"Kinky Maxy," she said. Max smirked at her and put her breakfast out onto a plate.

She smiled and sat down with Max at the table. They ate breakfast. Sierra was teasing Max with her foot.
"I love you," she said.
"Love you too babe. When you get home we're having a sexy night," Max said seductively.
Sierra bit her lip. "I can't wait."
Max nodded. "Good."
"I'm leaving now. I'll see you tonight," Sierra said.

Sierra stood and walked over to Max. She kissed him passionately. Max pulled her down onto his lap. "Max, I have to go," she said as Max kissed her neck.

"You can wait a few minutes," Max said. Sierra could feel Max's member press against her through his trousers.

Max and Sierra made out and Max pulled down her thong under her dress. Sierra grinned and unzipped his trousers.
"A quickie," she said.

Max pushed in gently and Sierra smiled at him. "This my taster for tonight?" She asked.
Max nodded. "Of course."

Sierra groaned as Max bit her neck. She held onto his shoulders and kissed him passionately.

When they climaxed, Sierra stood. "Now I have to go," she said.
"Okay. See you later gorgeous," he said. Sierra kissed up after pulling her thong on and left.

Sierra pulled up at Waterloo Road and smiled at Tom.
"Hi ya!" Tom called.
"Hey Tom. How have you been?" Sierra asked.
"Good. We've all missed you."

Sierra walked inside with Tom. Tom dropped her off at the office. She wanted to say hello to her mum.
Sierra walked in and grinned. "Not even an hello for your only daughter?"

Rachel looked up and smiled. "How have you been?"
"I'm alright. A little tired but I'm fine."

Rachel and Sierra walked outside. They were meeting with Kim and Chris to welcome the new intake.

"Ooo," Sierra said when she seen Chris. Rachel laughed.
"Yes. Eye candy. Let's hope the girls in the school won't get distracted," Rachel told her. Sierra grinned.

They went over to Chris and Kim.
"This is Sierra. She's a teacher here and my daughter," Rachel said to Chris. Sierra shook his hand and smiled.
"Nice to meet you Chris."
Sierra smiled but all she could think about was Max. Rachel noticed. "How's things with him?"
Sierra sighed. "Drop it."

They went inside to the hall for assembly. Sierra sat with Tom and Steph. "Got some new people here."
"Yeah. We have an adolescent teacher down there," Grantly mumbled. Sierra looked down at Helen Hopewell.

Rachel walked in and smiled. She began to talk. Sierra was falling asleep. Tom chuckled when he noticed.
"The boyfriend keep you up again?" Tom asked.
Sierra grinned. "You have no idea."

Suddenly, all the John Fosters pupils began to clap.
Sierra turned to see what they were clapping about and paled. Max.

Sierra quickly faced the front. She fell silent. "You alright?" Tom asked.
"Yeah. Fine."

Sierra didn't look at Max during the assembly. She saw the look on Rachel's face. Sierra swallowed hard. When the assembly finished, Sierra got up and nearly ran to her classroom. 

She sat down and breathed heavily. She didn't understand why Max didn't tell her. There was a knock on the door and Sierra jumped it was Tom.
"You alright?" he asked. Sierra just nodded.
"Yeah I'm fine."
Tom nodded. "You ran off quite quickly so I didn't know why."
Sierra smiled slightly.

Max walked to the office. Rachel wasn't happy that Max was now her boss. She wasn't happy her daughter was involved with him.
"Rachel," Max said.
"Max. Just sod off," Rachel mumbled. Max smirked. He knew he was getting under Rachel's skin. He left the office to walk about the school.

Sierra began to teach and Max walked past. She handed out a work sheet. Max knocked on the door.
"Can I have a word?" Max asked. Sierra nodded.
"Get on with your work," she told the class before going outside with Max.

Sierra looked at him. "What?"
"You alright?"
Sierra scoffed. "How dare you?! You never once told me you were getting a job here!"

Max took hold of Sierra's wrist and took her into a store cupboard. "I didn't tell you because I knew you'd act like a brat."
"A brat? You calling me a brat?!"
"Yes I am!" Max yelled. Sierra slapped him and walked out.

Sierra smiled as she went back to her class.
"How are we getting on with that sheet?" Sierra asked. A pupil put their hand up to ask a question. Sierra went over to the pupil.

Max felt his cheek burning. He knew he was wrong not to tell Sierra. Max stood outside Sierra's classroom and watched as she was bent over helping a pupil. He saw a male pupil trying to look up her dress.

Max walked on past. Sierra saw him leave. She wanted to go after him but knew she couldn't.

When breaktime came, she walked to the office. She wanted to see her mum but instead Max was there.
"Sierra, wait!" Max said as she was about to leave. Sierra sighed and rolled her eyes.
"What?" she asked.

Max closed the office door and sat her down on the sofa with him.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my job. I didn't want you to hate me," he said.
Sierra looked at him. "Am I supposed to believe that?"
Max nodded. "It's the truth."
"How the hell am I supposed to explain to people that I'm shagging my boss?"
"Don't tell them."
Sierra scoffed. "Yeah. That proves you're ashamed."

Sierra went to leave. Max grabbed onto her and smirked. "I'm not ashamed of you. Quite the opposite. I want to ravish you right now."
"Shag off," Sierra said. She walked out and went to the staffroom.

Sierra walked in and made herself a coffee. She sat down with Tom. Steph sat opposite her.
"How's your first day?" Steph asked Helen.
"Would have been alright if she hadn't have had a bunch of thugs to deal with," Ruby said.
"That language isn't very helpful is it?" Kim asked.
"I'm not being helpful. I'm being honest. Truth hurts," Ruby stated.
"Yeah. Course."
Ruby glared. "And then there's you and Steph. Where the girls get their tarty looks from," she said.
"You calling me a tart? Cause it seems you're just an uppity bitch," Sierra said.

Helen stood up. "I'm making a complaint to Mr Tyler."
"What? Get him to come and cane us all?" Tom asked.
"Me first."
They all laughed as Ruby and Helen walked out.
"I honestly wouldn't mind a good caning off Mr Tyler," Steph said. Sierra just smiled.

Sierra went to her classroom to grab her jacket. She seen Tom running down the corridor. Sierra frowned and went after them all. She seen a fight had broken out in the playground.
Sierra went to help. She tried to not laugh when Helen got punched. "Get inside now!" Sierra yelled.

Everyone went inside. Max walked over to Sierra and took her to his car. "I'm an arse aren't I?"
"Yeah. A big egotistical one," Sierra mumbled.
Max kissed her gently. She kissed back.
"I'll make it up to you. I promise," he said. Sierra nodded and smiled slightly.

Max and Sierra went to the cooler. Max let Sierra walk in first. He heard all the arguing and slammed the door.
"Will you all shut up now!" Max yelled. The cooler fell silent.
Sierra was standing by Kim. "Now, we don't know where Miss Mason is so you're going to have to answer to me," Max said. He smirked. "That won't be a very pleasant experience."

Sierra always got turned on when Max got annoyed. She bit her lip. "You will be detained every lunchtime and after school for the next month. No arguments. Now get out of my sight."

Max walked out and Sierra followed him. "Do you realise what a turn on you yelling was?"
"Yes I do," he said. Sierra grinned and slapped his bum as she walked off.
"Cheeky minx."

Sierra smiled at him and winked. She walked into her classroom and heard the door close behind her. She watched Max lock the door. He then closed the blinds.

Sierra grinned as Max walked over to her. "You have a free period I believe?"
Sierra nodded. "Yeah. Cause of this fight."
"Good. It means I can do this."

Sierra squealed when Max grabbed her waist and pulled into him. He started kissing her neck with passion. "This you making it up to me?"
Max smirked and nodded. "Of course. You're worth grovelling for."
Sierra grinned and unzipped Max's trousers. She pulled down the front of his boxers.

Max sat her up on the desk and pulled down her thong.
"I'm getting deja vu from this morning," Sierra joked.
Max smirked and pecked her lips.
"Well this will be a lot better than this morning," Max told her.
"Mmm bring it on baby," she said.
Max put the thong into his pocket. He pushed into Sierra and smirked when she moaned. "Mmm."

Rachel and Kim were talking. "You and Max seem to be at loggerheads," Kim said.
"Well he's in a relationship with Sierra."
Kim was shocked. "Sierra as in your daughter?"
Rachel nodded. "Yes."

Sierra could feel the desk moving. She knew anyone could hear her and Max but she didn't care. She was with Max.

Max and Sierra moaned as they both climaxed. They were both breathless and sweating.

Sierra and Max got themselves sorted.
"Oi! My thong!" Sierra complained. Max winked and walked out. Sierra groaned.

Sierra began to prepare for her next class. She needed to try and avoid anyone noticing she didn't have her thong on. "Idiot," she mumbled.

Max and Rachel were in the office. Max was smirking. "Is there a problem?" Rachel asked.
"Oh. Just Sierra. She knows how to keep a man awake."
Rachel was annoyed but she didn't want to show Max she was annoyed.
"I'm sure," she spat. Max smirked and sat down on the sofa. He began to do some work. Rachel glared at him.
"Any reason why you're glaring at me?" Max asked.
"Why don't you either leave the school or leave Sierra."
Max smiled. "I like my job and I love Sierra."

Sierra sat down for most of the lesson. She couldn't afford people seeing up her dress. Thankfully, the bell for the end of the day rang. Everyone had to go out and see the sculpture being unveiled. Max was waiting for Sierra outside her classroom.
"Oh hello thong stealer," she said when she saw him.
Max smirked and handed them to her. "What am I supposed to do with them?"
"Wear them."

They walked outside. Sierra was freezing as she had forgotten her jacket. "You cold?" Max asked.
Max handed her his jacket. She smiled and put it on.

Max began to talk. Sierra stood in the back with Steph and Grantly.
"God, cover it up," Grantly mumbled. Steph and Sierra began to laugh. Grantly was grumpy but the best laugh ever.
"To the pub?" Steph asked.
"Definitely. Sierra?" Grantly questioned.
"I'll meet you there."
Grantly nodded. Sierra walked over to Max. "I think I'm going to keep this."
Sierra nodded and kissed him. "You coming for a drink?"
Max scoffed. "Not with this lot."

Sierra and Max walked inside. "If you're going for a drink, I'll pick you up in an hour," Max said.
"What are you gonna do?" Sierra asked as she rubbed Max's crotch.
"I'm having a meeting with your mum."
Sierra pouted. Max smiled and kissed her. Sierra could feel max was close. He grunted. Sierra grinned and took her hand away.
"I'll wash the boxers later," she said.
Max smirked. "You better for that one."

Sierra went to the pub and sat down with Steph. Grantly got up to get the drinks.
"My life won't be worth living if that Helen Hopewell comes back," Grantly mumbled as he handed out the drinks before sitting down.

Sierra grinned. "Ah come on Grantly. You said the same about me," she said.
"You have promise. She doesn't."

Max and Rachel were arguing. "Sierra hasn't told you we're trying for a baby has she?"
"Max shut up."
Max smirked. "I'm in charge here and in charge of your daughter when she's in my bed," Max said.

Rachel stood up and walked out. Max smirked knowing he had got to Rachel. He packed up and drove to the pub.

Max smiled and waited outside for her. He seen Tom leaving the pub.

Sierra got up. She grabbed her bag.
"I better go," she announced.
"See you later," everyone called to her.
Sierra walked out to the car and smiled at him. "Hi baby."
"Good day?" She asked.
Max nodded and kissed her cheek as she got in the car.

Max drove to the pizza place. "What do you fancy?" He asked.
"Massive pizza, garlic bread, wedgies and a coke."
Max laughed. "Not hungry are you?"
"Not at all," she said. Max chuckled. He walked inside and ordered it.

Sierra sat in the car and turned on the radio. She began singing along. Eventually Max came out to the car with all the stuff.

Sierra took the stuff off him and let him climb into car. "Yummy."
Max smirked. "We've even got chocolate cake for after."
Sierra grinned. "Mmm."

They went back to Max's. Sierra saw Jennifer there. "Max, she's here again."
"Wait here."
Max got out of the car and went over to Jennifer.
"A divorce," Max spat. "Means don't damn well come round to see me."
Jennifer scoffed. "Piss off Max. I want the money I'm entitled to."

Sierra hated arguing. She covered her ears and watched Max. Max looked over and seen her. Sierra turned on the radio to block out the arguing.

"I suggest you leave now Jennifer. You're upsetting my girlfriend," Max said.
"Girlfriend? She's young enough to be your daughter," Jennifer spat.
Max smirked. "She is twenty one years old if you must know."

Eventually Jennifer left. Max walked out to Sierra. "Come on. She's gone."
"I swear you need a new house," Sierra mumbled.
"I know babe," he said. He kissed Sierra and they went inside. Max heated up the food.

Sierra got into her revealing pyjamas and went downstairs. Max brought the food to the living room and smirked seeing Sierra in her pyjamas.
"You know what those pyjamas do for me babe," he said.
Sierra smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I know. That's why I'm wearing them," she replied.
Max nodded. "There's no point."
Max smirked. "Because they'll be on the floor within the next thirty minutes."

They ate their food and Sierra drank her pop. "Mum asked us for dinner tomorrow night."
Sierra nodded. Max groaned. Sierra looked at him. Max noticed.
"I mean... yay," he said. Sierra giggled.
"I'm just kidding you big idiot," she told him. She kissed him. "I know you two never got on."

Sierra finished her food and so did Max. She downed the rest of her pop and grinned at Max. Max smirked. She sat down her can and Max immediately attacked her with kisses.

Sierra kissed back. Max pulled her over to the sofa. They kissed again. "I think for now we keep our relationship quiet," he said.
Max nodded. "Well if the staff know, they'll think you report back to me."

Sierra pulled away from Max. "You're ashamed of me aren't you?" She asked.
"Of course not."
Sierra was crying. "You clearly are Max. Why else don't you want people knowing about us?"
"Because I don't."
Sierra got to and walked upstairs. Max sighed loudly.

Sierra turned on the shower and took off her pyjamas. She climbed in and let the hot water run over her body.

Suddenly, she felt a pair of hands wrap around her waist.
"I don't want people knowing so they don't judge you," Max explained.
"How would they judge me?" Sierra asked.
Max looked at her. "You're shagging their boss and your own boss."

Sierra shrugged. "I don't care about that."
"I do."
Max kissed her neck. "I love you Sierra."

Sierra let Max kiss her neck. She didn't know if he did love her or not.

Secrets Between Us {Waterloo Road}Where stories live. Discover now