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Sierra was still in hospital due to her car crash and blood loss. Adalynn was still unwell but slowly getting better. Max had been there everyday visiting Sierra and Adalynn.

Sierra walked to the Neo Natal. Adalynn had some nurses around her. "Is she okay?" She asked.
"Yes. She's fine. We're seeing how she's doing off the breathing machine," the nurse said.
Max walked in and smiled.
"How's she doing?" Max asked.
Sierra looked at him. "They say she's fine. They're trying her off the breathing machine."

Max was relieved to hear Adalynn was okay. Max kissed Sierra's head.
"Lets go a bit closer to see our little girl breathing on her own," Max said. Sierra nodded.
They walked over to see their tiny little girl lying in the incubator. Sierra smiled. "She's all ours?"
"She is."

Sierra put her hand on Adalynn's stomach. "As soon as she's home, I'm considering a move to London."
"Yeah," Sierra mumbled.
Sierra sighed. "I need a new start. You're welcome to visit and have her on weekends."
"I don't want you to go Sierra."

Sierra didn't look at Max. She knew if she looked at him she would change her mind immediately.
"She's doing brilliantly," the midwife said. Sierra grinned in at Adalynn.
"She's a clever girl," Max said.
Max sighed. "You can't go to London. You can't take my daughter."

Sierra sighed. "I don't want to. But nothing is the same Max. You've got two young daughters."
"You're my girlfriend Sierra. I want you."
Sierra just nodded. She wasn't in the mood to argue with him in front of Adalynn.

Adalynn gripped Sierra's finger. Sierra smiled.
"That's my girl," she said. Max wanted to prove to Sierra that he could be a father to Adalynn and a boyfriend to Max.
Sierra walked back to her room. She wanted to go home. Max smiled. "I'll show you the stuff I have."

Max took out his phone. He showed Sierra the nursery, pushchair, moses basket and bouncer. Sierra grinned. "How did you know that's the pushchair I wanted for her?"
"I seen you had marked it in books," Max said with a chuckle.
Sierra smiled. "You've been looking at my stuff while I'm asleep."
"Of course. How would I know how to make your perfect nursery for Adalynn?"

Sierra took Max's phone and looked closer at the pictures.
"It is how I wanted it," Sierra confirmed. Max smiled.

A few weeks later, Adalynn was finally allowed out of hospital. Sierra had been picked up by Max. "Morning."
Max kissed her cheek. "I'd like to take you and Adalynn to my place for a bit."
"Sure," Sierra said. She wanted to try with Max before her move.

Max took the car seat to the neo natal unit. Sierra went with him with a pink blanket and a small pink teddy.
"Thanks," Sierra said.
Max smiled. "My pleasure. I love spending time with you two."
Sierra grinned and kissed his cheek. She took his hand. "I love the flamingos on this carseat," she said.
"Oh please. You'd have all black," she joked.

They walked in. Sierra took Adalynn from her cot and held her tightly. "Jaime has asked if Aimee can meet her sister."
"Of course."
Sierra smiled at Max. Max kissed her gently and Adalynn kicked him in her sleep.
"Hey missy!" Max joked. Sierra giggled.

Max and Sierra went to his place. Rachel kept texting to complain about Sierra's arrangement. Sierra turned her phone off.
"Here we are," Max said.
Sierra smiled. "If you want, Addy and I can stay over tonight."
"I'd love that."
Sierra smiled and kissed him. Deep down, she wanted her family back.

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