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Sierra sat on the side of the bath. Adalynn was fast asleep in her cot. She held the pregnancy test in her hand. She turned it over to see the one word she didn't want to. Positive.

Sierra broke down crying. She didn't know what to do. Sierra went back into her bedroom and smiled down at Adalynn. She didn't know if she could handle another baby.

Sierra got Adalynn dressed that morning and took her downstairs. She tried to not cry. "We're screwed baby."

When Sierra had done what she needed to, she left for work. Sierra hadn't gone back home since she found out about Max and Jaime. She didn't think she could forgive him just yet.

Sierra sighed and walked inside when she saw Max. She hated seeing him knowing he was with someone else.

Max walked over to her and smiled.
"Hi you," Max said.
Sierra nodded. "Hi."

Max could tell she was off. He thought it was Jaime but didn't think she was pregnant.

Sierra took Adalynn into the crèche and smiled. She loved her little girl to bits. She always brightened up her day.

Sierra walked from the crèche and smiled at Jaime as she kissed Tom. "How's Addy?"
"She's okay. I think she wants some daddy time though," Sierra mumbled.
"Aw. Max had Aimee last night. Tom and I had date night."

Sierra stood in the staffroom. Max walked in. "I was wondering if you wanted to do dinner," he said.
"Please?" Max asked.
Sierra sighed. "Fine."
Max smiled and kissed her cheek. "I'll pick you up at eight. Bring Addy too."

Sierra wanted to say no. But she wanted to be with Max again. Max took her over to the kitchen area.

He began to make her a cup of coffee.
"You okay for coffee?" Max asked.
"I'm not in the mood. Maybe a tea?" Sierra said. Max smiled and nodded.
Sierra grinned. "Addy's been a little grumpy lately. She needs some daddy time," she said.
"Tonight. You and her both stay over."

Sierra walked to her classroom and sighed. She knew she needed to tell her mum about being pregnant. She needed to know if she would have her support. "Daughter of Rachel Mason. Knocked up twice before 25," she mumbled. She sighed and knocked the office door.
"Hey honey," Rachel said.
"Can we talk?"

Rachel frowned but nodded. They sat down together.
"Is everything okay?" Rachel asked.
Sierra sniffed. "I'm pregnant again."

Rachel couldn't believe it. She sighed and nodded.
"I'll support you," Rachel said.
Sierra smiled. "Thank you. I was hoping you would."
"I'll always support you. I promise," Rachel said. Sierra smiled slightly. She knew Rachel wouldn't approve when it was Max's.
"It is Max's baby."

Suddenly Rachel got annoyed. She looked at Sierra. "How could you be so stupid as to have unprotected sex with him again!"
"I'm sorry!"
Rachel glared. "You either get rid of that baby or you're gone from my house. I made an exception for Adalynn but not another child."

Rachel stood up. "You've a week to make up your mind," she said.

Sierra couldn't believe what Rachel said. She opened the door and Sierra walked out.
She went back to her classroom and held her stomach. She couldn't believe it. Why wouldn't her own mother support her?

Max came in and smiled at Sierra.
"I'm excited for dinner tonight," Max said to her. Sierra smiled slightly.
Max frowned. He knew something was wrong. "You okay?"
Sierra nodded. "I'm fine. Just need more sleep. Adalynn is always waking every two hours," she said.
"I'll take her tonight."

Sierra sat down and waited for the class to come in. "Sit in silence please."
"You okay Miss?"
Sierra smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I'm okay. Just get on with essays," she said.
They all worked. Sierra didn't know if she could get rid of her baby. She wanted it.

When the bell rang Sierra went to the staffroom. Max was there talking with Tom. She smiled slightly.
"I'm going to see Addy if you want to come?" Sierra asked. Max smiled widely and nodded.

They went to the crèche and smiled at their little girl.
Adalynn smiled back. She was always a happy and cheerful baby. Max held her close. "Daddy has missed you."
Sierra smiled. She loved how good a father was Max.

When they left the crèche, Max grabbed Sierra and kissed her. Sierra kissed back. Max smirked against her lips. "Tonight you're mine."
Max smirked again. "You're mine until we die," he said.
"You mean that?" Sierra asked. Max smiled and nodded.

They kissed again and began to make out. Max pulled away.
"Me, you and Addy are going to have an amazing night together," Max told Sierra. Sierra smiled.
"We will," she said. Max kissed her forehead and took her to her classroom.

Sierra sighed but smiled when she felt Max wrapping his arms around her from behind. He began to kiss her neck gently.
"Stop. We're supposed to be working," Sierra said.
Max smirked. "You're on a free. I've checked."
"Oh really?"

Max sat Sierra on the edge of her desk. He smirked. "There's nothing to stop us having some us time now," he said.
"No. But there's a school full of students."

Max went to close the blinds when Jaime walked in. "Sie! We need a night out soon," she said.
"Yeah. Max Tyler's baby muma's," Sierra joked.
Max looked at Sierra. She smirked at him.
"You love it," she said. Max didn't speak but he smirked at her before walking out.

Jaime and Sierra sat down. She smiled at Sierra.
"You and Max are getting on better," Jaime said.
Sierra nodded. "He's taking Addy and I out for dinner tonight."

Jaime smiled. She thought it was great that they were getting along again.
"I'm glad to hear that," she said.
Sierra grinned. "How's Aimee?" She asked.
"She's fine. She wants some time with her little sister," Jaime said.
"We'll have to sort something out."

Jaime went to teach. Sierra sat down. She didn't know why but she was having a little stomach ache. She just put it down to hunger.

Rachel walked in. "Have you made up your mind?"
"Not yet."
"Well you better," Rachel spat. Sierra rolled her eyes. Rachel walked out.

Sierra got another pain and groaned. Max saw her bent over in pain. He ran into the classroom.
"Sie what's wrong?" Max asked.
"I'm so sore."

Max took Sierra out of the classroom.
"Do you need the hospital?" Max asked her.
Sierra shook her head. "No. I'm fine."
"You sure?"

Sierra started crying in pain. Max sighed. "Come on, we're going to the hospital."
"No. Someone needs to watch Adalynn," she said.
"I'll ask Jaime and Tom."
"No. That's rude," Sierra mumbled.
"Shut it," Max said. He took Sierra to the car and rang Tom while he got in.

They arrived at the hospital and Sierra sat in silence. She was worried. Max walked over to her and smiled.
"That's you booked in. We'll be called soon," he said.

Sierra made no response. Max held her hand. He didn't know what was wrong with her. Little did Max know that their world was going to be turned upside down.

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