The phone call

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Effie followed me and I told her all about the the hole Finnick situation. I heard Haymitch mumbling something on the phone and I couldn't believe my ears. "Good job kid. She's convinced thank you for saving her now she can do what she's wanted for." I couldn't believe it why was Haymitch saying these things. I told Effie and she thought nothing of it probably trying to play along with what ever plan Haymitch was conjuring up. I knew he was obviously taking to Finnick, but why and why did he say she's convinced. I walked back into the main part of the train where everyone was sitting. I decided to take a seat next to Gale the only one I could seem to trust right now. "Welcome back sweetheart." Haymitch comments. "Thank you." I reply sarcastically. "So I heard your running from home." He said taking to me like I was a child. "Where'd you hear that one." I said as I tried to laugh it off. "Your mother." My eyes widened. "Where'd she get that idea?" I said trying to play it like I didn't know what he was taking about. "Oh I don't know maybe the note you left. Prim why would you do that?" I didn't want to tell him maybe it would make his plan better. "I just can't stay there anymore to many bad memories I just need some time to my self that's all." He looked at me crookedly I hope he believed me because I was always a bad liar. "You should call them Prim there worried sick." I agreed and dialed the number. *Ring ring ring ring ring* then I heard an almost to familiar voice answer. "Hello?" I knew it was Finnick. "I'd like to speak to my parents." I heard him pirk up. "Prim!" He screams and I hear every one gasp. "Prim I'm so sorry about what I said yesterday I didn't mean it I..." I cut him off. "I'd like to speak to my parents." I said again beginning to become short tempered. "Prim listen to me." He says again. "Just let me speak to my parents Finnick or I'm hanging up!" I scream in to the phone on the verge of tears. "Prim?" I hear come out of my mothers mouth. "Hi Mom." I reply. "Why aren't you coming home?" She asks and I don't know away to tell her that's not going to break her heart. "I just need some time to my self. I need some time to find me again." I hear her gasp for air. "You do what ever you need to sweetie." I hear my dad take the phone. "Prim where are you who are you with?" I could hear my mother give him a slap on the arm but I knew he just wanted me to be safe. "Dad I'm fine I'm on the train I'm with Haymitch, Effie, and Gale I'm all right." "Gale who?" My dad scoffs. "Gale Hawthorn my stylist." I reply. And I hear my mother gasp Gales name. Next Jay takes the phone and gives me a 15 minute lecture on why I need to come home I appreciated the concern but I needed to do this and he fully understood. I hung up and continued in with my day today was the first day of the victory tour, and  I was in district 11 my first stop.We arrived and I had to say this place concerned me. Gale came in and dress me in a lavender dress with a dazzling par of silver heals. I had to say I looked stunning. Then it was time Effie handed me some cards to read off of but I wasn't even going to bother I was going to be me out there and no one was going to change that. The tributes from this district were Lily a 14 year old girl and Ben a 17 year old boy. I went out there and immediately felt unwelcomed. I stood in front of the microphone and began to speak. "People of district 11 I'm so honoured to be with you today. I would just like to say these tributes we very skilled warriors and although I never really got the chance to know them I'm still honoured to remember there lives and to say they didn't deserve any of this no one does. This is a true tragedy and I'm so sorry to the family's of these fallen tributes." They all cheered as I waked away. 1 done 11 to go.

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