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I've been sitting in my hospital bed for days now refusing to do anything I haven't moved or spoken a word in days now. I've also lost my appetite and haven't eaten a meal in what seems like forever the doctors keep me alive by mearley feeding me through the iv in my arm. The doctors try to tell me he's ok that he's in a better place now to calm me but they don't understand how much it hurts to have the person they loved dead because of something you started. I'm officially broken if I haven't been all ready because the thread that was keeping me attached to sanity was Finnick and now that thread was torn off and forever left a scar in my heart that will never be able to be patched up. People come to visit me to attempt to pull me out of my slump Haymitch reads books about people who were actually happy with their lives. Johanna tells me about how she lost everyone that she loved. Effie reminds me of what the doctors say and how he's in a better place. Gale sits down on my bed and tries to help me through this but it's no use no one can ever cure my sickness of heart break. Nowadays I lay in a deep train of thought thinking of how life could have been if Finnick and I had both lived. I would help the rebels win this war and after the world would finally be safe again. Finnick and I would live happily ever after together just like in the movies we would eventually get married and probably have kids, but none of that could happen now because of me I ruined the perfect life I could have had. Before I knew it I was asleep and entered a world full of nightmares.
"Prim!" I hear someone yell and turn around only to see Jay being stabbed by a peace keeper. "You killed me Prim it was all your fault! I hate you!" I start to cry as I hear a loud boom that was all to familiar. I turn my head to see Finnick being set sky high only to have his entire body engulfed in flames. "It's all your fault I never loved you I hate you just die all ready."
"No! Finnick! No!" I scream waking sweaty and tears running down my face only to realize the two pairs of arms around me. Then I look up and we meet each other's eyes. "Mom Dad?"

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