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I wake up from a sleep that I don't remember falling into probably because this is one of the first nightmare less sleeps I've ever had. Then it comes back to me what happened last night. "Finnick! Finnick!" I scream thrashing around out of our worry and soon enough unstoppable sobs and awful choking noises coming out of me. Was this all just a dream? I wondered to myself. And before I knew it I heard his footsteps running through the hall. "Prim! Prim baby are you ok?" He asks and my body returns to normal and I just freeze at the sight of him. God did I miss seeing him. "I saw that you were gone I thought it was all just a dream." I manage to croak out before the chocking and sobbing return. "Shhhhh... shhhhh... shhhhh it's ok it's ok I'm here now and I'm not leaving you not now not ever." I smile and stop my sobbing and give a halfhearted smile. "There it is." His laughter filled with joy. "What?" I ask in a whiny tone. "That smile I've missed seeing that smile." He tells me and my face falls to a frown. "What's wrong honey?" What's wrong I think to myself what isn't wrong all I'm doing is putting the love of my life's life in danger by him being so connected to me there's only one way he could be safe again it will kill me but I have to do it. "Can't you see Finnick every one I love gets hurt because of me." I say every word more painful than the last. "I know for sure that this is the hardest thing I'll ever have to do but I'm doing this for you because I love you more then life it's self." "Prim your scaring me." "Finnick were over I'm breaking up with you." I say and his face drops and with that I walk out of my hospital room but I leave behind something as I walk out a locket with a picture of Finnick and I on it when we were happy together and on the back was engraved "I'll love you forever and always" In side the locket was a letter it read. "Dear Finnick I'm so deeply sorry for what I've done by the time your reading this I'll be dead I know that you'll never forgive yourself for this thinking in some way this was your fault but that was in no way the case. I was destroying the people I loved I practically killed Jay and by being the mocking jay I've killed almost the whole district 7 and you I knew with me still alive I was a great threat to the people I loved but most of all you. Finnick Odair the second you walked into my life you scored a mark on my heart that will be there for all eternity. I want you to know my last thoughts will be of you. Tell my parents that I'm sorry and that I love them tell Gale he was one of the best friends a girl could ask for and tell Axel thanks for being my friend and not treating me like a celebrity. The most important thing I want for you Finnick is to be happy. I want you to find a girl who can love you better then I ever could. I want you to hold on to her and never let go. I want you to be happily married and have kids and live your life to the fullest. I don't want you to think of me often live your life and don't stop to think about me because I'll never forget you and I'll be with you every step of the way. Never lose your true self and know we're ever I am I'm alright and I love you no matter what always. With love forever and always - Prim" And that wasn't a lie I would love him forever and always but I had to do this I needed to do this so they'd all be safe so I wouldn't mess this corrupted world up anymore then it already was. I ran into the bathroom in the hospital and grabbed the nightlock pill from my pocket and stared at it my eyes now brimmed over with tears. And before I knew it I popped the small pill into my mouth and was consumed into darkness then I saw it a big bright light shining through the darkness and before entering I spoke my last words "I love you Finnick forever and always." I know we may not be together right now but I know will be together some way always and then I knew always would be are forever.

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