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                                                                        15 years later
                                                                         (Finnick's POV)

It's been 15 years to the day since I lost her the love of my life Primrose Mellark after she left me in that hospital room alone I was in shock then I noticed the locket and read the note and seconds later that's when I found her dead in the bathroom. That's when my life came shattering down. After that I became the mocking jay for her memory and after months of fighting I killed Snow and anyone else in the snow family that could takes Panem as their own. I finally felt accomplished by killing the people that made her take her own life. Not to long after that her parents died out of heartbreak Gale moved to district 7 with Johanna were they later married and helped rebuild. Axel became a mayor in district 5 where he met his wife Molly and had their daughter Christina. Haymitch and Effie got married and are now living in district 8 running Prim's sewing shop. We also got a new president named Mark he treats us fairly I knew Prim would have loved him. And for me well after the rebellion I was at the hospital getting treated for my wounds when I met her. Harper I knew she was special and she helped me heal she had also lost the love of her life Max. Together we were to broken pieces but together we both knew we'd never make a whole because our hearts both belonged to our true loves but we did enjoy each other's company and learned to love again but both of us knew we'd love Max and Prim more then one another. But I proposed to her anyway and we were married because we both wanted children. Now I'm a proud father of 2 children Jake my little boy he's 8 and has bronze hair and green eyes like his mother. Them my little girl Prim she has blonde hair like her mother but has ocean blue eyes like the lost love of my life Prim which is kind of strange because no one in our family's has ever had blue eyes so I know it was a sign from her. Today I've decided to take my wife and kids  somewhere very special to me somewhere that I never thought I'd ever go again. "Daddy! Daddy! Are we there yet?" Prim asks excitedly. "Almost honey just a little longer." Then I saw it the creek with the tall green grass behind it just like it was years ago. "It's beautiful Daddy!" Prim tells me and runs to the waters edge. "Ya!" Jake says running after her. "It really is honey." Harper tells me rubbing circles into my back. Then I sit down in the spot where Prim and I use to sit watching my wife and kids together wishing Prim was my wife playing with our kids I can almost imagine her sitting here with me with her small figure and chocolate brown hair in a braid with her sparkling ocean blue eyes and her adorable personality. There not a second in the day where I don't think of her and I've never stopped loving her and I know Harper has never stopped loving Max and wishes it was him here instead of me but I don't mind because we both know we're thinking the same thing but I know she's in a better place and with the people she loves and is finally at peace and that I'll see her again some day which puts me at ease. I look up to the sky knowing she's watching over me and I know now to that our love will last forever and always.

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