On my way

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Gale and I arrived at the gala and I have to say they took out all the stops on this place  it was decked out in glitter and crystal and flowers. Everyone was so friendly a little to friendly for my liking but I accepted the thoughtful gesture and tried to be friendly back which was almost impossible for me. Then it was time I stood there clenched to Gale's arm of before my speech. "Go get'em Prim." I hear Gale root for me as I reach the balcony right next to the new president Snow. "And now the winner of the hunger games Primrose Mellark." I give her a nod and continue I was going to say something about Finnick so people believed I loved him. "People of the Capital I'm so pleased to be with you today and I can't thank you enough for the warm welcome you all gave me tonight." I say as they all cheer I decided to talk about Finnick and shed a few fake tears so it looked like I was upset. I continue as I fake cry. "I'm so sorry I just couldn't imagine being here I just miss Finnick so much and I wish he could be here with me." They all gasped and I talked a little more before going back to the party. Gale asked me what the whole crying thing was about and I told him about my act and what he really did do to me and he agreed that Finnick was a total jerk. The night was over and it was time to say my goodbyes. "Goodbye Haymitch." I say giving him a hug. "Take care of your self now sweetheart." He replies. Next was Effie before I managed to say anything she ran up to me and in gulfed me in a hug. "Goodbye my girl." Effie said shakily. "Good bye Effie." Finally I had to say goodbye to Gale and this by far was going to be the hardest yet. Gale and I were best friends now but I had to go I had to I couldn't go home and see him. "Goodbye Gale." I say crying into his arms. "Goodbye Prim." He says and then I got on the train on my way to district 8 to work on a carer of sewing and making items for people. Its lonely on the train I have no one to talk to I have to say I do miss Effie's personality or Haymitch always calling me sweetheart or Gale dressing me up and being such a good friend. I couldn't bear being lonely anymore so I decided to call home. I grabbed the portable phone and ran to the caboose out in the open air then I dial the number. *ring ring ring ring ring* "Mellark residence." Finnick's voice bellows out. "Can I speak to my parents please?" And he gasps and he knew exactly who I was. "Prim?" He says in a soft sweet voice. "Please Finnick can I talk to my parents I promise that I'd check in on him before I left." I could tell he was upset because of the silence between us. "Are you leaving because of me?" I don't want to answer but he needs to know the truth. "That's part of it." I replied not letting him know he's the real reason. "I'm sorry Prim I didn't mean to upset you what I said I didn't mean what I said I do love you." I wanted to accept it I wanted to jump back into his arms but I couldn't it wasn't real. "Finnick I know you don't feel that way I'm trying to accept that I just can't come home not yet and maybe not ever." I want to cry but I hold it in. "Prim I do love you I really do please come home if not for me for your family they miss you Prim I miss you." I couldn't do it I just couldn't I needed to be strong. "Finnick you don't love me when you said what you did before the tour it hurt me and I need to get out of that place I just need to." He sighed. "I wish I could just tell you the truth I do love you with all my heart Primrose Mellark I do it's just I can't tell you why I said that. The only reason I told you that was to protect you. You have to trust me because I need to protect you please just come home so I can continue protecting you please Prim I'm begging you come back." I wanted to go back but I just couldn't I needed to move on with my life. "Finnick I can't trust you if your keeping secrets from me. I need to start a new chapter in my life I need to leave 12 I'm almost at my new home so please tell my family I called and I'm all right." I was about to hang up but he stoped me. "Prim where are you going to live?" I didn't want to tell him I didn't want any surprises from him. "If you truly love me you'll heart will lead you to me." He laughs. "My heart will find you Primrose Mellark Always."

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