Oneshot #17 tension

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Gerard and I got cought in a room together alone after a show.
"You want some water, Gee?" I looked up from my phone and smiled at him.
He nodded and ruffled out his hair. I got up and walked quickly to the mini fridge. I took a cold plastic bottle from the back of the fridge and tossed it to gee. He cracked it open and took a long sip.

"Watcha looking at?" He asked me, shaking me out of the trance I didn't know I was in.
"You." I replied, not really knowing what to think.
"Oh?" He questioned.
"I'm sorry," I looked at his feet on the floor, averting my gaze from his eyes.
"Don't be sorry" he tilted my head up to his with a few fingers.

Every Time I was  alone with gee, it hadn't ended well. There was always this ambient sexual tension. And when we acted on it, it almost always ended with us making out, somebody going in for tongue, and both snapping back to reality. I had a feeling gee was feeling a little extra suduced today since he had just made out with frank on stage. 

"Is it okay if I kiss you?" He asked.
"Yeah." I nodded tugging his tie towards me. He pushed me down on the couch and crawled on top of me. I wrapped my hands around his neck and started kissing him intensely. He pressed his cold hands onto my hips and let me moan into his mouth.
"Gee," I pulled away from his lips.
"What's wrong, sugar?" He whispered, shivers running down my spine.
"The guys, we shouldn't be-" he cut me off by picking me up and pushing me against the wall.
"They don't matter" he smirked and kissed me again. His tongue swiped across my lip, pleading for access. I moaned and opened my mouth wider.
"Holy shit, Gee" I gasped for air as he moved his lips down to my neck.
"Fuck, your gorgeous" he moved his lips back up to mine. We kissed for a few more minutes until frank came into the room.
"Hey so gee I was wondering if- woah!" He yelled. Gee and I parted. I tried to walk away from him but he pulled me back into his arms.
"Were you guys just-" he flicked his finger between the both of us.
"Yeah." Gee kissed the top of my head.
"Are you guys a thing?" He asked.
"If you want to be" gee smiled at me.
"Let's give it a shot." I leaned up to kiss him again

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