Oneshot #73

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"Frank,you need any help?" I asked my brother, stepping out of his car into his friend Ray's driveway.
"Yeah, can you help me close the trunk?" He asked me, trying to jump up to reach it. I giggled and slammed it shut, only standing up on my toes.
"Hey y/n?" Frank spun me around to face him.
"Yeah?" I replied, confused.
"Don't try to hit on any of my friends. I don't want you dating them, okay?" He asked, crossing his arms. It wasn't really up for debate.
"Can't promise anything," I waved him off and walked up to the door.

"Y/n!" Ray opened the door and hugged me tightly.
"Fro fro!" I hugged him back, squishing his hair happily.
"Frankie!" Ray looked behind me and stumbled passed me to my brother.

I slipped inside the house and my eye cought the blonde-faded tuff of hair I recognized as Mikey.
"Michael!" I yelled, tackling the younger Way.
"Y/n/n!" Mikey hugged me back, giggling.
"Y/n?" I heard a soft familiar voice.
"Gerard?" I let go of his brother, scanning him up and down.
"I missed you!" Gerard smiled, hugging me passionately.
"Aw me too Gee!" I ruffled out his hair and hugged him back excitedly. We stayed wrapped around each other for a long time, swaying Lightly. We pulled away smiling.
"How have you been!" He smiled.
"Fine, school is annoying." I said.
"As it is." He nodded.
"How about you?" I asked.
"Oh, really great. I love what I do, I'm doing okay in my head, so everything is good." He nodded.
"I'm glad." I pulled him into another hug.

I worried about Gerard. He texted quite a lot, and usually called me during panic attacks and anxiety attacks, so hearing he was going good made my heart soar.

The boys got immediately to playing, leaving me upstairs on the couch. I just played tony hawk pro skate and may or may not have gotten a little stoned.
"Hey, y/n?" Gerard asked, planing his hands firmly on my shoulders.
"Hmm?" I looked up at him.
"You want a Coke or somethin?" He asked.
"Yes, I'd love a Coke actually." I smiled to him. He nodded and walked away into the kitchen. The thought of a cold drink made me realize how cold I actually was. I was to busy burning my lungs to notice.
"Here." Gerard said, sitting the Coke can on the coffee table. "You look cold, do you want my sweater?" Gerard asked, sitting beside me.
"Ah, gee, you don't need to." I shook my head.
"Nonsense. It you're cold I'll give it to you." He smirked and tugged his pull over hoodie over his hair, tossing it over to me. I pulled it over my head and wrapped my arms around my body, smiling.
"Warm?" He giggled.
"Yes, thank you." I smiled, leaning over to give him a hug. He hugged me while grinning, pulling away to soon for both our liking.
"Gotta get back down to practice. See you in a few minutes." He smiled and walked away, leaving me alone on the couch.

I didn't mind. I liked being wrapped up in Gerard's sweater, too. And with nobody around, it would seem less weird as I stuffed my face into the fabric and breathed in happily. Gerard smelt like coffee and cigarettes, and it was actually super comforting.  He was super comforting. I really really liked Gerard, and I had a feeling he liked me too, but we were also trying to keep Frank happy.

Before the boys came up, I smoked another blunt, and got sufficiently disoriented. Gerard sat down beside me on the couch and I tossed my legs over his lap, smiling. Gerard smirked and shook his head.
"Fuck, Y/n. What did you smoke?" He leaned forewords, pretending to check my eyes for redness. Which they most defiantly were.
"Jus' lotsa pot." I grinned, burying my head in his sweater again. "Has anybody told you how fucking good you smell?" Gerard started laughing and shook his head.
"No, enlighten me."
"You smell like cigarettes and coffee and it's real nice." I squinted, leaning forewords.
"Thanks, I guess." He rested his palm on my knee. I nodded.
"You're very welcome."
"Y/n?" Frank yelled from across the room. "Are you wearing Gerard's sweater?"
"Fuck yeah. Gee, you are never getting this back." I smiled to him. "Imma sleep in it 'nd shit, so fuckin comfy," I mumbled, smiling lucidly to him. Gerard grinned and bit his lip. Which, was unbelievably hot. I motioned for him to come towards me, and he did as I asked. Gerard leaned down onto my chest so his back was against my ribs, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I rested my head in his hair and closed my eyes, breathing in his sent.

Gerard looked up and saw Frank scowling. He turned away and reverted his attention to the feeling of y/n's hand in his hair, leaning back into her touch.

"Hey, isn't pency practicing now?" Ray liked over to Frank. He hissed an ran downstairs, leaving us four in the lounge. Gerard's head stayed right where it was.

All through Frank's practice, Gerard and I just kinda laid on the couch and snuggled. I wasn't sexual when I was high, I was just really clingy, so I was always holding onto his arm or hugging him in some way. Gerard didn't seem to mind.
"You're so cute." I mumbled. Running my hands through his tangled black hair.
"Oh, shut up. I am not." He argued.
"Bitch, listen here," I settled into my seat, turning his cheek to face me. I ran my fingers up his cheek bones and cupped his face, smiling. "Fucking cute!" I exclaimed.
"Nothing compared to you." He smirked back at me.
"Haha, sure." I rolled my eyes.
"Bitch," Gerard said, imitating me. "Fucking adorable." He cupped my cheeks and smiled. I giggled and leaned into his touch. Gerard smiled and kissed my forehead softly, pulling me against him into a hug again.
"G-Gerard?" I whispered hesitantly.
"Mmm?" He nodded, tilting my head up so I could meet his eyes.
"Do you think maybe... can we try to make this work?" I asked, bitting my lip.
"I really want to." Gerard agreed.
"Can we just not tell Frank and see what happens for a bit?" I said. Gerard smiled and nodded.
"I'd like that." He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my lips.


Sorry for the late update

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What'd you get?

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