Oneshot #29

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I cleaned off the bar after gathering all the half empty glasses off tables around the place. Once I had practically everything done, I heard the bell of the open door.
"We're closed" I yelled out, monotony.
"No your not. There's still about half an hour." A man replied and sat in a bar stool.
"I suppose your right. What do you want?" I tried to push a smiled out of my lips, but couldn't manage. Today has been really fucking long.
"Shots?" He questioned, flipping his greasy hair away from his face. I nodded and poured him one. He downed it imedataly, with no hesitation.
" work here?" He smiled.
"Yeah. Do you come here a lot?" I leaned on my elbows, finding his eyes.
"Yep. I probably shouldn't." He sighed.
"Why? Family troubles?" I asked, trying to find his weak spot.
"Like you wouldn't believe." He put his head in his hands.
" wanna tell me about it?" I asked, coming out from behind the bar and sitting beside him.
"Well, last week, my brother got hit by a car. He's not doing so good, and the doctors don't think he'll live." The man sighed.
"I'm sorry," I reached out my hand to rub his back. He flinched and turned around to face me quickly.
"I'm sorry, I just-" he put his head in his hands.
"It's alright," I pressed my hand on top of his and smiled weakly.
"There's more isn't there?" I whispered. He nodded.
"I slipped back into old habits and my wife left with my daughter. I want to find help but I don't have anywhere to live." He looked up at me with tear filled eyes.
"Come to my place," I replied.
"What?" He asked.
"Come live in my apartment. Please, I wouldn't mind. I wanna help." I smiled.
"Thank you." He sniffled and wiped his eyes. "Can I buy you something to drink?" He asked.
"Nah, I have plenty at home." I waved off his offer. Besides, we didn't have anything good anyways.
"If we're going to be roommates, we should know each other's name," he tried to smile.
"Y/n." I put my hand out for him to shake.
"Gerard." He shook it prominently.
"Would you like to go now?" I asked. He nodded. I locked up while still talking to him, and we left around back.

We got into my apartment and I sat Gerard down on the couch.
"Do you like superman?" I asked, sitting next to him.
"I personally think he's to privileged." Gerard crossed his arms.
"Good." I smiled at him.

We watched a few different movies and the first part of lord of the rings before I fell asleep. I felt Gerard prop himself against the arm of the couch and hug me to his chest. I nuzzled into his shirt and felt him smile. He draped a blanket over the two of us and pressed his chin on my head.
"Goodnight" I whispered into his chest.
"Goodnight." He replied.


This one is kinda short, but it's okay. Thank you all for 5k! I'm so happy that so many people actually read my dumb ass band drabbles, thank you all so deeply.

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