Oneshot #63

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Ou y'all ready for some implied smuttttt???????

Gerard nipped at my neck harshly, snarling into my skin. I let out a broken moan and tugged at his hair lightly to silence myself. He nipped and licked at my pressure point, a single spot he had grown to memorize. I moaned loudly and grinded my body upwards into his. Gerard groaned into my neck, desperate for more friction against him. Eventually, Gerard gave up and started to kissed my lips harshly again. I weaved my fingers through his hair as he ran his hands up the sides of my body. Gerard lightly squeezed my waist, causing a light moan to escape my lips. With that, he put his tongue in my mouth and kissed me harder. His hair draped over his eyes flawlessly as he pulled away to take his shirt off. Gerard then flipped me on top of him so I could do the same. Once I was in just my bra and underwear and him only in boxers, he pushed me under the covers again and kissed me aggressively. Gerard snaked his hands under me and lifted my body upward towards him, smirking into my mouth. I squealed happily and pulled his hair lightly. He moved my hair away from my neck and started to suck on the skin, attempting to Bruise it.
"Gerard- stop, frank-he, ah-ahh..." I tried to speak a full sentence, but the pleasure overwhelmed me to a point all I could do was moan. Soon, Gerard started to grid his length against me and we both turned into messes. I gripped his neck, my nails digging into his back at the sudden friction.
"Y/n-ah-I- you, -ready?" He groaned. I nodded vigerosly and cupped his face.
"Yes." I whispered, kissing him harshly.

Gerard and I's moans and whimpers echoed through the, what we thought was, an empty house. Gerard and I thought that we had a good 2 hours, as frank said he wasn't coming home until later. But little did we know, he decided to pay his little sister a visit earlier.
"I'm home!" Frank opened my door, abruptly. Thank god Gerard and I were under the covers already because that would have made the situation a lot more awkward then it already was. Gerard and I screamed and he flipped beside me, hugging me close to his chest.
"Frank! What the fuck are you doing here!" I yelled, pulling the covers up higher.
"What the fuck are you doing having sex with my best friend!" He screamed at me. "And what are you doing fucking my sister!" Frank turned to Gerard.
"I guess this isn't the most convenient way to tell you that were together." Gerard kissed my forehead. I smiled up at him and grabbed his hands.
"Now Frankie, as much as I appreciate you coming home early, Gerard has a little bit of a problem that needs to be taken care of so we can't really come downstairs." I mocked. Gerard hit my arm lightly and Frank's cheeks went red.
"I...I'll go out for lunch. Text me when your done with...uhh, that." He smiled awkwardly and shut the door.
"Your brother may be my best friend, but he's such a cockblock." Gerard ran his fingers through his hair, kissing my cheek. I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Yep. Well that ruined everything."

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