Oneshot #41

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I woke up in the middle of the night to my phone buzzing. I leaned over to check who was calling. I picked it up sleepily and pressed the phone to my ear.
"Gerard?" I asked groggily into the phone. I heard a light sniffle and Gerard inhale deeply.
"I can't fucking do it anymore, Y/n." He sobbed lightly into the phone.
"Can't do what, gee?" I asked wearily.
"I...I can't. I'm worthless and nobody loves me." He cried. Then I realized what he was telling me.
"Gerard, if your doing what I think your doing, you better stop right now." I raised my voice.
"I can't do anything right! All I can do is drink and hurt people, y/n. You all would be better off without me." He sobbed lowly.
"Gerard, stop! I...I'm coming over right now. Hold on for me, please." I swallowed, letting a few tears run down my face.
"Don't hang up!" He yelled, scared.
"I won't. I won't hang up as long as you stay put and don't hurt yourself." I mumbled.
"Okay." He cried.

I drove the hour and a half to where his house was, crying the whole way. Every once in a while, we would both fall silent and Gerard would start freaking out. I would reassure him I was still on the line and kept trying to make him feel better.

I finally got to his house, slamming the car door shut and running up the stairs to the front door. I opened and slammed the door shut, sprinting up the stairs to Gerard's bathroom. There, he lay on the floor sobbing into the phone with a pistol on the vanity.
"Gerard!" I yelled dropping the phone and crawling across the floor to him. He looked up at me loosely as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He continued to cry into my shoulder, hugging me back tightly. His sobs died down slowly until we just sat on the floor hugging. I stroked his hair slowly as he tucked himself into my neck.
"Never scare me like that again, Gee." I sniffled. He nodded.
"Why do you care?" He whispered. I opened my mouth to talk, but then quickly closed it again.
"I...I can't bare to live without you." I massaged his scalp softly.
"Of course you could. Nobody needs a friend that does...this, to themselves." He paused and gestured the room.
"Look Gee," I separated from him and grabbed his chin lightly. "I love you. Like, I actually want to be with you forever. I don't even know how I could live without you with me." I felt tears rising in my eyes.
"I love you too." He stroked my cheek.
"Really?" I asked, my eyes widening.
"Yeah. It doesn't matter though, I can't have you be with some body who would have the will to kill them self." He moaned.
"No, Gee. I need to be here for you, no matter what, okay? So your going to promise me that you will never try to hurt yourself again." I gripped his face as hard as I could while shaking. He nodded.
"I promise" He press his lips against mine slowly. I ran my fingers through his hair slowly as we kissed. No lust, no force, just comfort. His lips pulled off of mine slowly.
"Thank you. Thank you so much, y/n." He wiped his eyes and kissed me again.

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