Oneshot #67

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This is a part two of #64 requested by @19teenidle19

"G'morning, y/n." Gerard said, hugging me close to him.
"Good morning, Gee." I grinned, hugging him back.
"Should I drive you home?" He asked, his hand reaching up and beginning to thread through my hair.
"Sure. Not now though, I just want to hang out for a while. I don't wanna talk to my roommate." I confessed. Gerard nodded.
"That's okay, we'll just lay here for a bit." Gerard kissed my forehead, and I instantly started to smile again.

About 3 hours later, Gerard was driving me home. We had eaten breakfast and hang out for a little while longer, as I was stalling talking to my roommate. We got to the apartment building, and I just sat in the car.
"Do you want me to come up with you, babe?" He asked, experimenting with a pet name.
"Please? I'm sorry, I just-" he cut me off, his lips pressed against mine.
"It's okay." He took my hand and we walked up to the elevator.

I pushed open my front door, kicking off my shoes. Gerard followed suit, standing close beside me.
"Aria? Where the fuck were you?" My roommate groaned, walking out into the living room.
"I was at Gerard's." I said quietly.
"Who's that?" She questioned, placing her hands on her hips.
"My boyfriend." I said, lacing my fingers with his. Gerard smiled at the action, and squeezed my hand. She nodded, looking to me again.
"Can we talk alone for a sec?" She asked, frowning. I nodded. Kissing Gerard's cheek before walking into the kitchen.
"Ugh, are you serious? You're ditching me to hang out with him?" She sighed.
"Oh, yeah, like you don't kick me out of the house every single time your boyfriend comes over." I scowled, crossing my arms.
"I do not!" She said, offended.
"You did it yesterday night. And Thursday. And Monday. And last Wednesday." I listened off the few I could remember, a disappointed scowl permanently on my face. She had no response. I huffed and walked out of the kitchen, back into the living room where Gerard sat.

I pleaded for Gerard to stay, and he gave in, agreeing to stay the night. I was happy, laying my head down in his lap. My roommate scowled from across the room, on her phone.
"'M going to the bathroom, be back in a sec." I said, getting up off Gerard.
"Okay." He nodded, smiling back at me.

Gerard's pov

Y/n walked away, leaving me and her roommate alone.
"Y'know," her roommate started, setting her phone down and leaning towards me flirtatiously. "You're pretty hot."
"T-thanks?" I said, awkwardly moving back on the couch and brushing my hands through my hair.
"We could hook up, eh? Aria doesn't have to know." She smirked.
"Uh, no? Don't you have a boyfriend?" I looked to her, disgusted.
"Yeah, obviously he wouldn't know either." She smirked again, getting closer once more.
"Hey! No! Fuck off! Who do you think I am?" I asked disgusted, shoving her away by her shoulder. "Why do you think I would ever cheat on her?"
"Cause, I dunno. She's being a bitch." She shrugged.
"She's being a bitch? How many times has she kicked you out of your apartment?" I attempted to will it away, but the disgusted look stayed plastered across my face.
"Ugh, fine." She frowned, grunting. Y/n returned immediately afterwords.
"Gee? You wanna go out for dinner?" She asked, smiling softly to me. I nodded, quickly getting off the couch and slipping on my shoes. Leaving
y/n's roommate pissed off and embarrassed, but she deserved it.


Lmao this is garbage but I kinda just threw it together for this week. Next one will be okay I think, probably.

Enjoy I guess

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