Oneshot #30

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"Does anyone have the time to bring me down? And can I sleep all night long, to the drums of the city rain." I heard a muffled voice coming from my bedroom. I walked into the hallway it was in and pressed me ear to the door.
"just make it up. 'Cuz I'm awake, all night long to the drums of the city rain." Gerard's voice echoed past the door sadly. He sounded as if he had been crying again.
"And brother if you have the chance to pick me up, can I sleep on your couch?" He mumbled. I could already see his tear stained face. Mikey had died a month ago today, and all Gerard wanted to do was mourn. It was hardest on him since they were so close but he tried as hard as he could to seem like it didn't affect him.
"To the pound of the aching pain, oh in my head. Cuz I'm awake all night long, I hear the drums of the city rain" he sniffled. I creaked open the door and saw him leaning over the bed starring at his feet, tears dripping off his nose.
"The nights was chase, the lights we steal. The things that we take to make us feel this. I can't go back, don't think I will. I won't sleep tonight as long as I still hear the drums of the city rain." He pressed his palms to his forehead and started crying harder.I opened the door wider and walked in.
"G-go away." He mumbled to me. I turned around and closed the door so we could talk. I sat beside him and pulled him into my arms. He started crying into my shoulder. I ran my fingers up and down his back
"You don't need to try to be the tough guy around me, gee." I stroked his hair.
"I have to. It's not like you would want to be with an emotional wreck." He replied.
"Gee, I love you. You crying I front of me wouldn't change that." I wiped the tears from his eyes and cupped his face.
"I know how much you love him. And I know it's hard to be without him, but if your feeling like this, I want you to tell me. I want to help you." I kissed his forehead.
"Okay." He sighed.
"The song was beautiful." I rubbed his arm.
"Thank you." He smiled up at me.
"What's it called?" He kissed my hand.
"Brother." He replied, pulling me into his lap.
"I love you. We'll get through this together, okay?" Gerard hugged me.
"I love you too" I laid back onto him as he finished the song.

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