Oneshot #74

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I struggled with my keys as my shaky hands attempted to put my key In the correct slot while I was very drunk, and very stoned. After several missed attempts, I finally managed to get the door open. I pushed on it with all my body weight and immediately fell
Onto the floor afterwards, resulting in a loud crash. I giggled to myself from the floor as I kicked the door shut, still on my back.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" Gerard, my roommate, ran up to me, kneeling down worriedly. I started to giggle again.
"Shit okay, you need to get into bed." He sighed, helping me up.
"Wh-o-o-oah, that head rush." I giggled, leaning against Gerard As my brain slowed down.
"Y/n, c'mon." His arm was around my shoulder, leading me to my bed room.
"Hey, take me out to dinner first!" I threw my hands up, laughing wildly. Gerard only stared back at me sadly.

He hated it when I was this drunk. He couldn't even talk to me, and that makes him feel bad. He hated the fact that he couldn't help me, and that I was so disoriented. He hates watching me be like he used to.

Gerard sat me down on the edge of my bed, pulling out a pair of pyjama pants and a band shirt I stole from him that he knew I slept in.
"Can I take off your shirt?" He asked, and I smirked.
"Anything you want, baby." I bit my lip and raised my arms. Gerard pulled the shirt over my head and put the other
One over, resulting in an erotic moan from me.
"Shit, this shirt is so fucking comfortable." I rubbed my hands over my torso.
"Shh, let's just get you to bed, okay?" Gerard said, watching me reach my hand up to undo my Bra. Once it was Unclasped, I pulled the straps over my shoulders On both sides under my shirt, pulling my bra out and tossing it on the floor.
"You do your pants." Gerard said, standing up.
"Wait," I grabbed his hand, pulling him down again. "Can you cuddle with me, Gerard?" I asked, whining. Gerard sighed, looking away.
"Okay. Just, change your pants." He said, turning around. I quickly slipped
Off my jeans and pulled on my pyjama pants, hugging Gerard from behind afterwords. He slowly peeled my hands off his stomach and lead me over to My bed. I made grabby hands at him when I was under the covers, bitting on my bottom lip. He sighed an crawled into bed beside me. His arm lay loosely over my waist, and I gripped his shirt.
"M sorry, Gee." I whispered.
"No, it's okay." He rubbed my back. I shook my head.
"Ss not," I slurred out, Pressing my head into his chest. "I shouldn't- I don't mean to-" I stuttered out, trying to formulate thoughts in my scrambled mind.
"It's okay, We can talk about it in the morning, okay? For now, just sleep." I nodded distantly and He kissed my forehead.
"G'night, gee." I sighed, burying my head in his shoulder.


This was kinda short, but I like it.

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