Oneshot #58

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"I swear to fucking God, if he ever shows up at my door again, I will beat his ass the fuck up." I murmured about my new ex best friend as I took a swing from the half empty bottle of vodka on my coffee table.
"Y/n? Can you turn the depressing music down?" My roommate yelled from her room and turned her country-pop shit up to top my green day playing from the tv.
"No! Just close your fucking door!" I yelled, grabbing the remote and turning it up. She groaned and walked out of her room. She grabbed the remote and turned the music off. "What the hell!" I yelled, turning to her.
"Y/n, what the hell are you doing?" She sat down on the couch beside me.
"Getting drunk. Leave me alone." I cracked open my 5th beer of the night.
"Fine." She got up, put her shoes on, and walked out the door. "I won't be back until tomorrow"
"Fine!" I yelled back.

I put my head in my hands. Why can't You ever keep a friend? First Gerard leaves you and now your own roommate? Just kill yourself already you fuck-up. I felt my brain say to me. If Gerard was here...No! You don't need him! It screamed, making my raging headache worse.
"Maybe if I just have a cigarette," I told myself, walking on to the balcony of my apartment. Below me on the sidewalk, there was a man dressed in all black, the moonlight reflecting off of his greasy hair. If I didn't know better, I would have thought that was my favourite frontman, heading up to the apartment to watch retro horror movies with me like old times. I laughed to myself and drew in a breath of smoke. After Lindsey and him got together, he stopped visiting me. I tired to hang out, but he started neglecting me. I had heard recently that they had broken up, but I was to tied up in work to call. Besides, he wouldn't want to hear from me anyways after he decided being friends wasn't on his set list anymore.

A loud knock on my door drew me from my thoughts.
"I thought you said you were leaving?" I called to the door, thinking I was speaking at my roommate. "Honestly, I'm having a break down right now. If you don't want to listen to crying and green day, just leave" I yelled as I walked to the door. "Besides, there's no point in trying to help Me anyways, I'm to drunk to-" my words were immediately cut as I opened the door. Gerard smiled at me, his times teeth perfectly aligned into that same cute smile I seemed to only see when he was with me.
"Y/n," Gerard tried to pull me in for a hug. I pushed his arms away and stared blankly into his eyes. They hadn't changed one bit. Still, there was a happy glow behind his eyes. I had told him about this before, he said that I was the only one to pick up on it.

Although this is the exact scenario I had planned in my head to confront him, no words came from my mouth. I wanted to scream at him, so loud that the tenants 2 floors down would hear, and still, I stayed silent. Gerard's smile faded quickly as he noticed the tears that we're starting to fill my eyes.
"Y/n, why are you crying, please, don't cry" he embraced me before I could do anything about it. Gerard stroked my hair as I cried out into his shoulder."hey, look, it's okay. It's okay y/n," Gerard massaged my scalp.
"Why would you abandon me, Gee?" I muttered.
"Abandoned?" He questioned, wiping the tears off my cheeks.
"Yes! Ever since you started dating Lindsey, you didn't even think to call. 5 months, Gee! 5 months!" I yelled, pushing him off me and returning to my couch.
"Your drinking?" He asked, looking at the label of one of the bottles.
"Yes I'm drinking, what is it to you?" I finished off the rest of the beer I opened before.
"You never used to drink." He sat in the chair across the room, folding his legs under him.
"Well I do now." I turned my head away from him.
"Why did you start?" He asked, becoming more upset.
"Because I needed a safe place." I whispered.
"Y/n, why are you doing this to yourself?" He asked, getting up from his chair.
"Because I had nobody to go to, okay!" I yelled, picking up the vodka from earlier.
"You had me!" He yelled back.
"No! No I didn't" I started to cry again.
"You fucking left me! I was alone, Gee! You know how bad I am alone." I groaned, spitting words through my tears.
"Y/n, if you want me to tell you the truth, you could have just asked." He muttered.
"What truth Gee? Why did you leave me alone?" I cried, looking up at him.
"I...I thought that, that if I was away from you long enough, I... I would loose interest in you." He said.
"You tried to stop being friends with me?" I asked, tears threatening to come out again.
"No! That's not what I, let me try again to explain, okay?" He grabbed my shoulders. "I tried to get away from you because I though that not being around you would make my feelings for you would go away. But they Grew. I love you more than ever and I'm so sorry that I couldn't be there for you." He ran his thumb across my jaw line and cupped my face. "I'm so, so sorry. You mean so much to me and for me to loose you would be my demise . Please, try to forgive me." Gerard's eyes started to fill with tears. "I honestly don't even care if you would want to date me anymore, I just want you to let me back into you life" he caressed my cheek slowly with his thumb, his hazel eyes staring into mine, waiting for an answer. "I just want to hold you again, make you feel worth it again. I miss you."

I couldn't speak, there was to much to take in. So, I did what I wanted to do. I grabbed the collar of his jacket and pulled his face towards mine, our lips colliding. Gerard smiled into my lips and immediately kissed back. I ran my fingers through his hair as he braced my back. I pulled away from his lips slowly, keeping my eyes shut.
"I love you, Gerard." I whispered, almost smiling.
"I love you too."


Sorry this chapter is so fuckin late, school started so that's been going on, and this phone won't hold a charge very well. Anyways, enjoy kiddos!!

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