Oneshot #70

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~Gerard's pov~
"I love you too baby. Please don't stay awake waiting for me, I'll tell you about everything in the morning." I told my girlfriend over the phone.
"Fine. Have a safe flight!" She responded.
"I will. Get some sleep baby, bye!" I hung up.

After going on tour for revenge for about 3 months, I was finally coming home to my girlfriend. Most of the places I toured in, the time zones were a lot different from jersey, and she insisted on talking on the phone. She was missing out on sleep and slacking off at work, but she said that it was worth it because we got to talk. I honestly didn't believe her, she was tired and alone all the time.

But I was finally coming home, hopefully evening out her sleep schedule.

I pulled into the driveway of our house, sighing back into my chair. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the light in the living room on.
"Y/n," I whispered. She was still up, waiting. My tiredness was suddenly replaced with excitement as I realized I would be able to hug my girlfriend again.

I rushed into the house with my suitcase, kicking off my shoes at the door. I rushed into the living room, finding a sleeping y/n on the couch, wearing my sweater. Coraline was playing on the TV as she slept. Y/n had set up a couple candles and even made coffee for me. I put my hand over my heart and smiled. I walked around the the other side of the couch and crouched down on my feet beside her.
"I told you not to stay awake," I whispered, kissing her forehead. She groaned and opened her eyes a tiny bit.
"Gee!" She squealed, lunging onto me. I laughed and hugged her closer. "I missed you!" She kissed all over my face, finally stopping to kiss my lips for longer.
"I missed you too." I hugged her, stroking her hair.
"Oh! I made you coffee!" She handed me a cup. I took a long needed sip and liked my lips.
"Oh my god, thank you baby." I rubbed her hand.
"Of course! I was really excited to see you." She admitted.
"I love you." I kissed her cheek.
"I love you too." She smiled. Soon, her features were overtaken with tiredness once again.
"Let's get to bed." I picked her up bridal style and started to walk up the stairs.

I rested her down on the bed and laid now next to her.
"I'll tell you about everything in the morning. Okay?" I told her softly.
"Mhm." She agreed, hugging me close to her. "I'm so glad your home." She whispered.
"Me too, y/n." I smiled.


This one is kinda shitty, but I just got back from vacation so just deal with it

I've got this REALLY long draft that I've been holding back on for a lil, would you guys want to read it? It's like 5 thousand words so far,,,

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