Oneshot #43

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"I still don't understand why this is an important assignment, like, seriously, school ends in like, a week." I crossed my arms as I protested to Mr.Way.
"Y/n, you need to calm down and get to work, or I'll have to talk to you after class." He warned me and sat back in his spiny desk chair.
"You know that won't stop me, Ge-Mr.Way" I cought myself from using his real name.
"It doesn't matter. I'd like to see you after class, y/n." He replied calmly, looking down at his paper. I could tell he was trying not to smile from the way he bit his lip when our eyes met again. I scoffed and returned to my seat in the class.

After class, I recovered a fearful glance from my best friend.
"It's alright, he can't do anything anyway." I pressed my palm to her shoulder. She grimaced.
"I dunno, you've gotten in trouble with him a lot this year."
"Oh, Mr.Way isn't bad. He couldn't hurt a fly." I waved my hand.
"Tell me what happens after, okay?" She asked. I nodded and watched her walk out of the classroom. I switched my gaze from her back to Mr.Way's eyes.
"You need to cooperate more during class." He Got up from his desk, putting on his big-boy teaching voice.
"Or what?" I crossed my arms.
"Y/n," he whined and sat on my desk.
"Gerard, you know it's hard enough for me to call you 'Mr.Way', It's weird for me and you. You expect me to just act like I'm a normal student? It's not my fault your older than me." I crossed my arms and looked away.
"Hey," he grabbed my chin softly. "I know it's weird for me to be your teacher, and believe me, it's been weird for me too, but the year's almost over and then we can be a normal couple, okay?" He caressed my cheek lightly.
"Okay." I nodded and hugged him.
"You still need to less of a bitch in class though," he muttered Into my hair. I giggled and let go of him.
"Fine. Only if you let me off on this assignment." I kissed his nose. He groaned dramatically and leaned on my shoulder.
"Go home and make pasta or something, I'll be home by 4." He finally agreed.
"Alright. See you at home babe." I kissed his lips lightly.
"See you soon." He kissed back.
"Also, you should wear that shirt more often, it's hot." I snapped my fingers at him. He laughed while rolling his eyes and opened the door for me.

"So, what happened?" My friend asked. "I tried to listen through the door but all I heard was something about pasta?" She questioned me.
"Nothing. He just told me to be less of a bitch in class" I shrugged.
"I hate him." She rolled her eyes.
"I dunno, I kinda like him." I giggled to myself.

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