Oneshot #62

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I walked into my English class, half a hour late.

My regular teacher wouldn't give a shit, seeing as I did it everyday and she had grown to be used to the situation.

As I pushed the door open I glanced up at my English teacher to see a man. He was wearing a black vest and a normal white dress shirt. His black hair lay stringy I front of his eyes and he smiled mockingly at me. Goddammit, he was beautiful. I felt myself halt at the sight of him, trying to fathom what aspect of him I found so earth-shatteringly attractive.
"And you must be Ms.L/n! Your regular teacher has told me about you" he gestured a seat in the back of the class.
"Oh yeah? What'd she say?" I smiled and plopped down into my seat, my natural confident nature kicking back over me as I realized the man was real. (I am the shyest person ever so let's just pretend we're confident for a little okay?)
"She said that you never come to class on time and can sometimes be quiet irritating." He crossed his arms and leaned against his desk.
"Really? I'm flattered." I fanned myself jokingly.
"Class, keep reading chapter 11 alone. I will deal with y/n." He spoke to the rest of the students calmly. I was shot a warning glance by a student as I was ushered over to my seat.

The teacher walked towards my desk and then continued to sit down on top of it.
"I am Mr.Way, your English teacher had a family emergency so I will be teaching you the rest of the semester." He explained.
"I'm glad. You're much more attractive than she was" I smirked and leaned back on my chair. He became quite flustered for a few seconds. A light pink blush covered his cheeks as he looked at my face blankly, until he knocked himself out of it and handed me a novel.
"R-Read chapter 11. Come talk to me if you have any questions." He weakly smiled and returned to his desk. I bit my lip and opened the book up to chapter 11.

"Mr.Way!" I called raising my hand.
"Yes y/n?" He sighed, turning his spinny chair.
"I have a question about our task" I told him. Did I really? No. I've been aceing English since grade 9. It was my last year of high school, I should be able to have a little bit of fun.
"Come up here and talk to me." He said, crossing his arms. As I got up I could see his eyes move down my body. He bit his lip, fantasizing. I smiled. If he was into me, it would be easier to get in his pants, or rather, him out of them.

"You are telling us to analyze this chapter right?" I stepped right in front of him, lightly resting my book on his desk.
"Correct," he nodded.
"What specifically do you mean by analyze?" I bent down so my ass was poking out a little more. I pressed my palms firmly to Mr.Way's chair and looked back up to his eyes. He nervously flipped his hair out of his face and gripped the chair a little harder.
"Uhhh, the... the chapter" he responded. I giggled and pressed my hand to his upper thigh.
"No, silly, what part of he chapter! The characters, their interactions, maybe their relationships," I smirked at the last part and stopped my hand from moving further.
"I, uhh," he couldn't contain himself anymore. I watched Mr.Way cross his legs and peer back up at me nervously. He was becoming quite flustered and it was turning me on.
"Ms.L/n you-" he was cut off by the bell.
"I guess I'll Ask you next class." I pouted and started to walk away.
"Wait!" Mr.Way yelled out, drawing the attention of the rest of the class.
"Yes?" I spun around, seeing how desperate he was to keep me here. He was almost falling out of his chair trying to grab my wrist.
"You were late so I wrote you a detention slip, I'm going to have to keep you after class." He told me calmly, composing himself.

After the rest of the class had left, Mr. Way ordered me to sit down at a desk.
"Oh, dominant, I like it." I said flirtily. He sighed and got up. I was expecting him to just walk over to me and lecture me about how being on time for class is important, but he walked over to the exit of the class room, pulled the door shut, and locked it. I bit my lip in excitement when he turned around.

Mr. Way stomped over to me and dragged me out of the chair by the collar. He threw my body against the wall and started to hungrily kiss me. He bit my bottom lip and dragged it out suductively, flashing his beautiful hazel eyes at me. I whimpered quietly as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back eagerly.
"Your such a fucking annoying little bitch. Getting me hard and then threatening to leave?" He moaned as I reached down to palm him through his jeans. He grinded against my hand and continued moaning. A man who was at least 3 good years older than me was squirming under my touch. I smiled and started to kiss him again. He ran his hand up my body and gripped my hair harshly, guiding my lips. "Don't think I didn't see your marks, I know you know exactly what to analyze." He picked me up by gripping my ass and resting me on the table. He aggressively  started kissing me again, gripping the desk as he hugged my torso to his chest.
"Mr.Way, I have to get to
My next class," I groaned as he nipped at the soft spots on my neck. He bit his lip and gazed past me.
"Hand me your phone." He whispered against my neck. I nodded vigerosly and pulled out out of my pocket. Mr.Way slid it open and started typing something. Soon, he handed my phone back.
"Call me. This is far from over." He helped me off the desk.
"Thanks Mr.Way." I said, about to leave the classroom.
"Gerard." He grabbed my wrist. "Call me Gerard."
"Thanks Gerard." I left a lingering kiss on his cheek and walked out the door.


Is this one actually okay? Have I actually done some real writing?

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