Oneshot #18 surprise

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I sat in the passage get seat of Gerard's car, blindfolded. Why I agreed to this? I have no idea.
"Are we almost there, Gee?" I asked, clutching his hand.
"Yep. Hold on a few more minutes, baby." He squeezed my hand.

I could tell we were in the country since the road became overwhelmingly bumpy. It was also night time now since the warmth of the sun on my cheek from the window faded. It smelled kinda like weed, but not enough for it to be actually be being smoked right now. A few minutes later, the car stopped.
"Can I take the blindfold off now?" I asked, still facing foreword.
"Not yet." He giggled and walked around to my side of the car. Gerard helped me out and pulled me to his chest before closing the car door. I felt a soft kiss on my forehead before we started walking.

Once we had trawled through what literally felt like a mile long field, Gerard told me to take the blindfold off. I opened my eyes and saw the sky as a dark blue colour. Not quite dawn, not quite night. My favourite time of day. I looked around a bit and noticed we were in a small field of soft green grass. Dew was starting to gleam on the farest away shards. Then I looked down at gee to thank him,To find him kneeling on one one knee. I knew what was happening. My eyes burst into tears immediately.
"Gee..." I whispered.
"Y/n  Y/l/n. You have been the light of my life for as long as I can remember. You've always brought me happiness and comfort and now, I hope that I can bring you the same, Forever. Would you marry me and make me the luckiest man to walk the earth?" He smiled, tears threatening to break him.
"Yes. Yes of course!" I yelled and lunged on to him. He held me as we kissed.
"I love you Gerard" I whispered into his hair and hugged him tighter.
"I love you too." He rubbed my back, softly kissing my neck in affirmation.

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