Oneshot #44

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Being Frank's litter sister was super fun. He was a great brother and his friends liked me so I was very happy whenever frank asked me to come to his band practices. I walked from school to the small unused storage unit that the band usually practiced in. Once I got into the unit, I was greeted by a hug. Gerard wrapped his arms around me tightly and smiled into my hair.
"Hihi!" He grinned at me happily.
"Hiya! What was that for?" I asked, flipping my hair away from my face.
"You haven't been to a practice in forever! I just missed you," he hugged me again and I giggled.
"Gerard! Stop abusing my sister!" Frank yelled jokingly. We both laughed quietly and let go of each other.
"Hi y/n!" Mikey waved.
"Hey mikes!" I waved back frantically. I looked around the unit. "Where's fro fro?" I asked frank.
"Detention. The teacher watched him suductively eat half a crayon and sent him to detention." Frank smiled.
"Oh?" I questioned and laughed.
"So we finished practicing for the day, but if you want to come out for dinner with us," frank prompted.
"Sure!" I adjusted my bag on my shoulders.
"Where are we going?" Gerard sat beside me on an amplifier.
"I dunno. Where do you want to go?" Frank asked Gerard. He shrugged and turned to me, which I in turn looked to Mikey. Mikey shrugged and turned back to frank.
"I guess we'll just get a pizza or something"

I sat in the back of franks's car beside Mikey and talked with frank about school.
" was the test today?" He asked, desperate to keep to conversation going.
"Alright I guess. Nothing difficult, it was just long." I responded. "I have art homework though," I rolled my eyes.
"Do you not like art?" Gerard asked.
"I love art, I just suck at it." I told him.
"Well, what's your project?" He asked, scratching his head.
"I have to model something. Like, draw a vase or something" I explained.
"I can help" he smiled.
"Would you?" I questioned.
"Of course! Frank, is it okay if I help your sister out with her art?" Gerard asked frank.
"If she wants to." Frank shrugged.i giggled giddily and Gerard spun around to ruffle my hair.

We got back to the house and Gerard and I walked upstairs to my room. I opened the door for him and he stared at the room, happily.
"Shit..." he whispered under his breath.
"What's wrong?" I asked, closing the door behind me.
"You are so fucking cool" he giggled and sat on my bed.
"Nah, I'm a loser. It's alright though, I like it that way" I replied sitting beside him.
"Your not a loser," Gerard's eyebrows drew closer to each other.
"Since when?" I smirked at him.
"What are you talking about? Your the coolest chick I know" he lifted my head up to looked at him. Gerard then used the fingers on his other hand to lightly brush hair away from my face.
"What about your girlfriend?" I asked, wondering why he was complementing me.
"She broke up with me a while ago." He said sadly.
"Guess she didn't know what she had," I muttered. I had a crush on Gerard, but there was no way that frank would let me date his best friend. Besides, it was just a crush, nothing else.
"What?" He smiled.
"She didn't know what she had," I said again louder, making eye contact with him.
"...Y/n?" He asked. I looked up at him after an awkward silence in curiosity.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Can I kiss you?" He stroked my cheek.
"Yeah." I smiled. He grabbed the collar of the school uniform I still Hadn't  changed out of and slammed his lips against mine. He pushed me down onto the bed lightly and played with my hair as we kissed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him harder. He laughed and took my bottom lip between his teeth, flashing his eyes at me. I moaned quietly and ran my fingers through his hair. He moved his lips to my neck and kissed up and down it slowly, being careful not to leave any marks knowing frank would have his head if he found out. 
"Shall we work on art?" He moaned quietly into my ear.
"Good idea." I whispered back.
"Yes Gee?"
"Would you go out with me?"
"Of course."

Ok so I ace dentally published this one so it will probably be here until I get up to one shot number 44 but u till then, enjoy this I guess

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