Oneshot #64

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I sat on the couch in my small apartment with a bagel in my hands.
"Y/n, my boyfriend is gonna be here in like 5 minutes, so can you like, leave?" My roommate yelled at me from her room where she was applying makeup.
"Why can't I just stay here?" I asked, standing up and grabbing my phone.
"Because, you have tendency to listen to old music excruciatingly loud, and my boyfriend hates it, so if you would please leave" she groaned. I sighed and put my shoes on.
"I might not be home until late." I pulled my jacket over my shoulders and Grabbed keys.
"Yes, please go." She asked.
I rolled my eyes and walked out the door.

I sighed and put my head in my hands.
I decided to call Gerard. He never just blew me off like my roommate did.
"Hey! What's up?" Gerard answered his phone.
"Ah, just got kicked out of my own apartment again, ya know, the usual."  I groaned.
"That sucks. Hey, you wanna come out for coffee with me? I just got off work" he told me.
"Sure! Could you pick me up outside?" I asked.
"Of course sugar. Be there in 10, alright?" I could feel his reassuring smile through the phone.
"Alright. Thanks Gee." I hung up and walked outside.

10 minutes later Gerard's car pulled up.  He got out and brought me into his arms.
"Let's go get coffee, okay?" He smiled and opened my door for me.
"Okay." I buckled my seatbelt.
"God, why don't you just move apartment or something? She doesn't respect you at all." Gerard asked me.
"I know, I know, but like, I can't go anywhere else." I moaned, looking out the window.
"I'm always here," Gerard smiled. I smiled back as we pulled into the coffee shop.

"So she like, kicked you out for the day so she could spend time with her boyfriend? Again?" He asked, stirring his coffee.
"Yeah." I sipped my coffee.
"That sucks. I wish she would be nicer to you." He put his hand on mine. I nodded and rubbed his knuckles.
"You wanna just hang out with me the rest of the night? I have nothing to do and I feel bad." He got up.
"Yeah! Sounds fun." I smiled.
"I promise I won't kick you out of the apartment" he smirked and grabbed my hand.

Gerard and I decided to go see a movie and then go back to his apartment. We'd have a couple drinks and I would stay over, we would get breakfast and I would go back home at noon the next day, just to piss my roommate off.

So Gee and I headed off to the theatre. We grabbed tickets for the new horror movie that Gerard read was really scary, and we sat down with popcorn.
"I'm so excited to watch you spill your popcorn everywhere." He whispered.
"You are a cruel man, Gerard Way." I whispered back. He stole some of my popcorn and shrugged. I laughed and rested my head on his shoulder.

"God, that was fucking terrifying." I shivered.
"I told you! You dropped you popcorn, didn't you?" He hit my arm lightly. I nodded in shame and leaned back into Gerard's arms.
"I've failed my family! My friends! I must ascend to the world of the dead where my shame can no longer haunt me!" I flailed around dramatically, grabbing Gerard's neck as he dipped me close to the pavement.
"Get up, drama queen. We have places to be" he pulled me up, in casing me into a tight hug. I laughed against his hair as he pulled me tighter to his chest. Gerard tried to start walking, but with me still attached to him, he couldn't.
"I need to leave this cruel world! The shame of spilling the ever-so holy movie theatre popcorn with come back to bite me in the ass everytime I walk past this, godly palace." I put all my body weight onto gee.
"I will never let you leave! My world would collapse!" Gerard started to play along, picking me up bridal style. I squealed as he spun me around, kissing my cheek.
"Let's get back to your place." I smiled, staying in Gerard's arms.
"Of course." He smiled.

We sat down on the couch after getting coffee. Again.

"What are we watching?" He asked.
"I'm kinda horror-ed out for the night." I responded.
"Yeah, me too." He agreed, handing me his coffee cup.
"Let's watch a chick flic!" I smiled ecstatically.
"A chick flic? Are you kidding me?" He laughed.
"Yeah! They're so funny!" I too a sip from his cup.
"Fine. If I cry at the end you can't make fun of me!" Gerard Warned. I put my hands up and handed him his cup again.

About halfway through, I got a text from my roommate.

My boyfriend's gone. You coming or not??

I laughed and showed it to Gee.
He sighed and patted my leg. "She doesn't know what she has." He finished, rubbing my arm.
"Thanks, Gerard. Your the best." I smiled, redirecting my attention to the television.

"Well that wasn't that bad." Gerard relaxed against me once the ending credits rolled. I sniffled and nodded. "Are you crying? Oh, C'mere." He gathered me into his arms, letting me cry into his chest. I sniffled against the fabric of his shirt as he rubbed his hand over my back.
"I just want somebody to love me like that, ya know? I mean, it's great having friends but I just want somebody I can just curl up next to at night, feeling safe." I muttered, hugging Gerard closer.
"You have me." He whispered, almost to quiet for me to hear. Almost.
"What?" I asked. Gerard cupped my face and brushed the tears away from my cheeks with his thumb.
"You have me. I would love to curl up next to you at the end of the day. I want to make you happy, y/n. I would be honoured to be your boyfriend." He kissed my forehead, hugging me again.
"Really?" I whispered.
"Really." He whispered back. I instantly pressed my lips onto his, cupping his face. He smiled against my lips happily. Gerard then pulled away, kissing my forehead.
"Thank you." I smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist. Gerard complied instantly and we both sat in silence for a bit, just happy with each other.


This is fucking trash but whatever I guess.

I saw peach pit yesterday night!!!! If you don't already Listen to them, please check them out because they are FUCKING GREAT

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