"Touch you where, baby?"

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AN: You all are going to hate me for this... 

Camila had taken her time in the bathroom. Thankfully, her husband seemed content with the takeout she purchased after stopping at the store. She hid the pregnancy test in the bag along with some toiletries for both of them so he wouldn't be suspicious. But now, as she sat on the edge of the tub, staring at the blue pluses, she knew that she couldn't hide it from him anymore.

 She took a deep breath and prepared herself for the worse as she kept the stick in her hand and made her way down to the dining room. She stood there at the doorway and just watched him for a moment as he played on his phone around eating. "Austin..." she started off softly, fearing his response.

Austin was less than pleased that his wife wasn't home when he got out of work. He planned on making her pay for it, but when she brought home take out from his favorite place he changed his mind. He watched as his wife walked away after getting the food out.

He started to eat as he was playing around on his phone. Austin really wanted to be mad at Camila, but he didn't have a bad day at work and she brought home his favorite food. He was engrossed in his phone when he heard his wife call his name. "What?" He asked, less harsh than usual. He didn't bother looking away from his phone.

Camila closed her eyes and took a deep breath before going to sit down at the table beside him. "There was a reason I had to stop at the store," she explained softly as she fiddled with the stick in her hand for a moment. Slowly, she turned it to show him. Camila tried her hardest to keep the smile off of her face, she was happy to be pregnant, not necessarily with Austin's child, but the thought of having a child of her own was exciting, yet scary.

"I'm pregnant," she whispered to him as she looked at his face, hoping and praying that his reaction wouldn't be horrible.

Austin's attention turned from his phone to his wife as she sat down at the table. He just hoped that the news wasn't something that would piss him off...he honestly didn't feel up to having to put Camila in her place today. He looked down at the stick on the table. It was a pregnancy test. Austin dropped his fork and stared at the thing. "What does this mean?" He asked. He looked up at his wife when she said the two words he had been waiting years to hear. He was in shock. Austin just sat back in the chair and closed his eyes. He couldn't find the right words to say.

Camila felt her breath catch in her throat as she watched him stare at the test. Camila could feel her hands start to shake some as he fell silent and just leaned back in his chair.

"This is why I stopped at the store... I've been feeling sick the past couple of days... and I was late..." she closed her eyes, his silence was actually starting to scare her. Austin always had a response for everything she did or said, but here he was, sitting in silence. "Austin? Please say something..."

He couldn't even believe it. He was in complete and utter shock. "You're pregnant?" Austin asked softly. It even surprised himself how soft his voice was. He sat up and looked at his wife. Austin's eyes diverted to the stick. He picked it up and just looked at it in awe.

He thought that today was going to be just another day...his day wasn't as bad as they normally are...he actually felt like not beating his wife for once...and now she is pregnant. This was the best news of his life. Austin stood up from the chair and went over to his wife. He reached his hand out for her to grab.

Camila swallowed thickly when she heard the calmness in his voice. She hadn't heard that tone from him in years. Camila felt herself relaxing some and actually let out a smile when he approached her.

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