"Yes, baby. Just one."

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Lauren, Camila, and Taylor had been relaxing all weekend long and she thought that it would be good for them to get out of the house. They were leaving the park and on their way to a house nearby for a surprise. Lauren and Camila had decided on getting Taylor a dog to keep him more entertained and to teach him some responsibility as he got older. She was extremely excited to see his reaction to getting one.

Camila couldn't believe their luck at finding an ad in the paper about husky puppies that an owner was giving away. Camila had contacted the woman earlier that day and found she still had three puppies left. 

Lauren pulled up to the house and double checked the address before putting it in park. "We're here." She said was she cut the engine, got out of the car, and picked Taylor up out of his car seat.

Once they got to the house, Camila grabbed her purse and waited for Lauren to get Taylor out. She smiled as she saw the little boy look around confused. He was in a place he didn't recognize. Camila knocked on the door and heard some barking on the other side which drew Taylor's attention.

Lauren smiled at Taylor as she unfastened his carseat and took him into her arms. She walked around the car to follow Camila up to the front door. "Last chance to back out." She joked to her wife. They were both excited to have a pet in the family. Lauren walked up the steps and stood beside her wife. She chuckled as Taylor looked around when he heard barking. "They're inside, bud." She said as she patted his back.

A woman about their age opened the door. "Hi, I'm Camila. I spoke with you earlier?" She stated. The woman smiled and nodded before backing up to let them into the house where they were instantly greeted with an adult husky followed by three puppies.

"Doggy!" Taylor squealed and squirmed in Lauren's arms to get down to the dogs.

Lauren stepped in behind Camila and laughed when Taylor got excited, "Hang on, bud." She said as she set him on the ground and he immediately went to the dogs.

Camila laughed as Taylor was surrounded by the pups who licked at his face and knocked him off balance. Camila kept her eyes on him to make sure they weren't hurting him, but he was laughing the whole time.

"I'm assuming the puppy is for him?" The woman asked and Camila nodded.

"He's pushing 2 years old and just has so much energy." Camila watched as the adult dog licked Taylor's face, causing him to squeal out and hug the dog. "He's in heaven right now," Camila glanced to her wife and chuckled. "We've thought about it for a while, too, and then we saw your ad and figured it was about time."

Lauren watched her son out of the corner of her eye. She wasnt as concerned about him as she was the dogs...sometimes Taylor could get a little rough when he was playing. She stepped next to her wife and rested her hand on the woman's lower back. Lauren nodded and chuckled to the other woman. "He loves dogs so much and we figured it would help him learn some responsibility, and he can have a friend as he gets older." She said as she smiled at her son who was looking at her and Camila. "He's in love already."

Camila kept her eyes on Taylor for a moment before looking back to the woman. "Are you sure you don't want anything for the puppy?" She asked again. She'd asked earlier and the woman assured her that she didn't want anything.

Once again, the woman shook her head to her, "No. I'm sure. I can already tell the puppy's going to be taken care of."

Camila smiled to her before kneeling down to look at Taylor. "Do you want one, Tay?" The little boy's eyes lit up and he nodded. "Pick one then."

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