"I'm not the one who has to worry about getting wet."

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AN: "Hey how you doin' little momma? Lemme me whisper in your ear, tell you something you might like to hear. You got a sexy ass body and your ass looks soft. Mind if I touch it and see if it's soft?" NAME THAT SONG! (No googling)

Camila slid out of her SUV and opened up the back door. Taylor had learned how to unhook himself from the carseat about two weeks ago and had learned the hard way that he didn't do it unless he was told to when he fell out of his seat while Lauren was driving one day. "Come on, buddy," she told him and reached down to take his hand before meeting Lauren at the front of the car.

Lauren got out of the car and waited for her wife as she got Taylor out of the car. She was still making sure that Camila wasnt lifting him too much, but Taylor had recently learned to get himself out of the car without anyone lifting him. She smiled as she saw Camila and Taylor appear from the side of the car. Lauren walked over and grabbed Taylor's other hand as they headed into the office. 

"Are you excited to find out what your little sibling is going to be?" Camila asked Taylor even though the boy didn't fully understand. He had just seen how excited his mommies were and it automatically made him excited.

Lauren was nervous about this appointment...a big part of her was scared of Camila losing their child again. Her wife was just over 13 weeks pregnant and they were about to determine the sex of their baby. Lauren took Taylor and sat down as her wife checked in at the front desk.

Camila glanced to her wife and son before she went to the desk to get checked in for her appointment. If she were to be honest, she was terrified of something happening again. But, living in so much fear had started to tear her down and she didn't want to get to that breaking point.

Lauren looked at Taylor as he slid down from the seat, "Momma toys?" He asked as she smiled at him. 

"Go ahead, bud." Lauren said as she watched him walk over to the toys in the waiting room. 

Camila watched as Taylor helped himself to the toys that were laid out. She went over and sat down next to Lauren in the seat and reached out for her hand, lacing their fingers together. She knew that her wife shared her worry, but neither of them talked about it, it was better that way.

Lauren saw her wife sit down and she turned her attention to the other woman. She gently squeezed Camila's hand as the woman laced their fingers together. She relaxed in the chair as she looked up at the TV in the room. She felt her heart racing in anticipation of meeting with the doctor. "I love you." She said softly as she kissed Camila's cheek.

"Camila?" The Latina looked up at the nurse before standing and going to get Taylor.

Lauren sighed contently as she rested her head on top of her wife's. She looked up as the nurse came out and called Camila's name. She smiled as her wife went to get their son. 

"Mami, no." He whined some.

"Come on, Tay. We're going to find out if you're having a brother or sister." The boy seemed to like her answer as he stood up and ran ahead of her down the hallway, following the nurse into the room. Camila glanced toward Lauren as she got up onto the table and laid her head back into the pillow.

Lauren followed them into the exam room as she sat down in the chair. She kept an eye on Taylor as he walked around the room looking at everything. "Tay come here." She said softly as her wife climbed up on the table. Lauren smiled at her son when he walked over to her. She reached down and picked him up, sitting him in her lap. "Stay here, okay?" She said, wanting to keep the boy out of the nurse and doctor's way.

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