"You're not a burden."

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Lauren had been back and forth between her place and the hospital for a few days. She didn't want to leave Camila's side, but knowing that Normani and Jake were alternating shifts standing guard made her comfortable enough to go take a shower and get fresh clothes.

Today was the day that Camila was able to leave the hospital. Lauren had just gotten back to the hospital from her place where she got things set up for Camila staying. She also sent some of the officers into Camila's house to get all of her things. They still hadn't found Austin, but they weren't giving up. Lauren parked her car and went up into Camila's room where the woman was getting packed to come to her place. "Hey you. Almost ready?" Lauren asked.

Camila was thankful to be released from the hospital, yet at the same time, she was terrified because her husband hasn't been found yet. She looked up from throwing her toiletries into a bag to take to Lauren's home with her. Smiling some, she glanced toward the shirt that was still laying on the bed. "Almost... it um... it hurts. I can't get my shirt on." Camila smiled sadly to the woman before she picked it up and approached Lauren. Her side hurt too much for her to maneuver to get her own shirt on. Shyly, she held it out to Lauren. "Can you help me get it on? Then I'll be ready to go..."

Lauren smiled and nodded as she walked toward Camila. "Yeah. Of course I can help you." She took the shirt from the woman. "Stick your arms out." She slid the arm holes onto Camila and pulled it up to her shoulders. "Hold still." She said as she pulled the collar and put it over the woman's head.

Camila clenched her jaw as Lauren get the shirt up and over her head. It was so much easier when someone else did it. For a little while, Camila figured she'd have to just deal with button down shirts, it would make her life easier. 

The older woman pulled Camila's shirt all the way down. "There." She smiled and leaned in to kiss the woman softly. She grabbed all of Camila's stuff and headed toward the door. "C'mon." She said as she grabbed Camila's hand with her free one.

"Do you think we can stop for something to eat?" She smiled softly, hoping that she wasn't asking for too much. When Lauren kissed her softly, she felt herself relax. She went to grab her things, but the woman beat her to it and she was left to just nod and take her hand. "Thank you... for all of this that you're doing for me," she said softly as they walked down the hallway.

Lauren nodded. "Of course. What do you want to eat?" She asked as they waited for the elevator. "And it's not a problem at all." She smiled and pulled the woman into her side gently. Once the elevator came they stepped inside.

"So I got all of your stuff from your house yesterday so you won't ever have to go back there." She said as the elevator came to the first floor. "If I forgot anything, just let me know and I'll send someone to get it." She said as her and Camila walked to her car. She opened the back door and quickly put the woman's bag in there before opening the passenger door and helped Camila in.

Camila let out a breath. "And he wasn't there? At all?" Camila stepped in closer to Lauren, trying not to focus on the fact that they still hadn't found Austin yet. Camila stayed close to Lauren, looking around constantly as they walked outside toward Lauren's car. Smiling softly to her, she climbed into the passenger side and sighed softly.

Lauren shook her head. "No. They haven't found him yet." She could tell that not knowing where Austin was scared Camila, but it would all be okay. She started the car and pulled off toward one of the fast food places.

"I want something quick... I'd rather not be outside where people can see me right now," Camila looked down at her lap, knowing that she still had a lot of swelling on her face. Bruising as well.

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