"I think we need a break."

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Lauren was working overtime at work to make up for Camila quitting her job. She completely understood why her fiancé wanted to quit, and she fully supported it, but they needed to make up for the loss of income. She was glad that it was Friday and she had the whole weekend off, but she was not happy to be spending it with awkwardness still in the house.

The two women hadn't been communicating a whole lot on a deeper level since the incident. Lauren could tell that her fiancé was fighting some internal struggle...but she would wait for Camila to come to her. Lauren parked the car in the driveway and walked into the house. She quickly took off her jacket and boots before just walking past Camila and Taylor and up the stairs to their bedroom.

Camila looked up from her laptop when she heard the door open. She'd spent all day at home with Taylor and getting her resume together to submit to new job prospects, one that looked promising was a teaching position at the University of Colorado in Denver. It would be a bit of a drive for her every day, but she had a feeling that she would love it. She stayed silent as she watched her fiancé take off her jacket and boots before walking right up the step, causing Camila to frown.

Lauren was tired. Not necessarily because of work, but mostly because of the tension that was in the air at home. She tried her best to lessen it, but it was just getting harder. It was taking a toll on her emotionally. Lauren started to change out of her uniform. She got down to her boxer briefs and tank top before folding it up and throwing it in the hamper. She was happy that it was the weekend...it meant that she didn't have to work the next two days, but she would be stuck at home hoping that her and Camila didn't fight...and just pretending that everything was fine. 

Since the incident, things had definitely been strained with the couple, and Camila knew it was all her fault, stemming from her insecurities about what Lauren said on that day. Camila reached out to reset the timer on Taylor's swing as it rocked him slowly before she flipped on the monitor and went upstairs after Lauren. "Hello to you too," she stated softly.

Lauren turned around before opening the dresser and looked at her fiancé. "Hi." She said as she turned her attention back to the dresser, pulling out a pair of sweatpants and changing out of her tank top. She grabbed her police academy t-shirt and pulled it over her head before climbing into their bed.

Camila frowned at the small response that she got from Lauren. It hurt her that Lauren hadn't even bothered to ask how her day was or anything, only briefly responding to her previous statement. She didn't even ask how Taylor was. Nothing. Camila was aware of the fact that Lauren had been working more and she understood that. "I'm fine, thanks for asking. How are you?" She didn't even try to hold back the slight bitterness in her voice as she watched Lauren get dressed and head to bed.

Lauren sighed softly as she climbed under the covers and pulled them up over her body. She rolled her eyes and looked over at Camila. "How are you? I'm tired." She said as she looked back at the TV. Camila was hot and cold most days...so Lauren just left her alone until she talked to her...she never knew whether Camila would want to talk or not, which made it harder for her.

Camila folded her arms over her chest and just leaned against the door frame. "I got a call back from the University of Colorado today." She started off softly.

Lauren relaxed in the pillows and reached over for the TV remote. She had just planned on spending the evening in bed...she really didn't care what Camila wanted to do, it was up to the other woman. She looked over at her fiancé and nodded. "That's good. I'm guessing you have an interview." She said as she quietly flipped through the channels.

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