"Ma'am, step outside, please."

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Camila heard Lauren's voice slowly breaking through. She heard her fiancé talking to someone else before she heard the cracked tone in her voice. Camila softly let out a groan before she tried to open her eyes, finding one of them covered up. "Wh..." her voice turned into a whimper as pain shot up from her leg. At that, as she finished coming too, she was now wide awake from pain in her leg and her side from the impact.

Lauren was looking at Normani when she heard the voice...her fiancé's voice. "Camila? Are you awake?" She asked softly as the woman's eyes jolted open. "Normani hit the call button." She said and the woman followed her command.

"Baby. I'm right here. Don't move okay?" Lauren said softly. "You're going to be okay." She said softly as she stood up and looked down at Camila. "The nurse is coming, okay?" She said placing a soft kiss to the woman's head. "I'm right here. I love you."

Camila whimpered as she slammed her eyes shut. She tried to listen to Lauren's words as she squirmed some on the bed. "Hurts." She moaned out. Camila slammed her back into the pillow until the nurse came in to push something into her IV. Thankfully it worked quickly on her and she was able to relax some into the bed. "What... what happened?" She took a deep breath as she brought one of her hands down to her stomach before she felt panic set in again.

Lauren ran her fingers along Camila's cheek as she tried to calm the woman down until the nurse could administer the medication. She sighed softly once Camila started to relax. Lauren leaned her forehead against Camila's as she closed her eyes. "You were in a car accident, baby." She said softly. "Someone barreled through a red light and hit you." She said. She watched as Camila started to panic. "Normani." She nodded over to the bassinet for her to get the baby.

Camila laid back down on the bed and took several deep breaths as she listened. "Taylor?" She asked softly. Camila looked away from Lauren as she saw Normani pushing the bassinet closer. "My... my baby..." she closed her eyes and leaned back to take a few deep breaths to calm down. Camila whimpered softly again before she looked to Lauren. "He's okay?"

Lauren watched as Normani wheeled the bassinet over. She looked on as her fiancé looked at their child. "He's there." She said softly running her fingers through her hair. "He's okay. He's more than okay...perfect." She said softly. "7 pounds 5 ounces...20 inches long." She said softly. "They did an emergency c-section when you came in." She said softly. Lauren let go of Camila to walk around and pick up their baby boy. She held him in her arms as she stood next to Camila. "He's sleeping. Normani got him to calm down."

Camila took several more breaths to try to calm herself down again. "He's okay..." she repeated a few times before closing her eyes for a moment.

When Lauren let go of her hand, she tried to reach out for it again but hissed in pain as she felt a pulling on her side and stomach. She sank back as she watched Lauren pick up their baby. "Can... can I hold him?" She asked softly as she looked between her fiancee and Normani. She was slightly jealous that her fiancé's best friend got to hold her son before she did.

Lauren nodded. "He's okay, baby. He's perfect." She said as she ran her fingers gently over her son's cheek. She looked at Camila worried. She didn't want her fiancé to hurt while she was holding their baby. "Are you sure? Are you okay?" She asked softly.

Camila nodded to her. "I'm okay. Please... Please I need to hold him." Camila was throbbing all over, but she needed to push through it to actually hold her son. Camila let out a cracked sob when she felt his weight in her arms. 

Lauren stepped closer as she made sure Camila was in a good position to hold Taylor. She set her son in her fiancé's arms. "Here you go, love." She said softly. "He adores you already." She said as Taylor cooed softly being placed in Camila's arms.

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