"We'll make it work."

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AN: Hiiiiiii

Camila kept glancing into the backseat as Lauren drove her home. She saw the way that Taylor was sleeping in his carrier, but she couldn't take her eyes off of him. Now that she was finally going home with her family, she was relieved. "You haven't destroyed everything have you?" She joked softly as she glanced to Lauren.

Lauren was watching the traffic as she drove down the familiar streets. Ever since Camila's accident she had been driving a lot more carefully...especially when Taylor was in the car, too. She looked over at her fiancé briefly as she smiled. "No. I haven't. Have a little faith, babe." She chuckled. "I kept the house clean." 

Smiling some, Camila reached out to take her hand as she drove. "I've been gone for far too long..." She looked up as they got close, it was weird not seeing her own car in the driveway, but it was totaled from the wreck and she'd eventually have to get a new one.

Lauren turned into their neighborhood ass she nodded. "I know. I'm so glad you're coming home. I've missed you in our bed." She said as she pulled into the driveway. Lauren parked the car and got out to walk around and help Camila out of the car before going in the back to grab the car seat and Taylor's bag.

Camila looked out the window at the snow on the ground. "I can't believe that I missed Christmas... I still have to give you my present." She smiled sadly to her. Camila still blamed herself for what had happened. She shouldn't have left that night.

Lauren got everything out of the car and shut the door. "What's the present?" She asked curiously. "Because I got you something, too. And I wanted to wait till you were home to give it to you."

Camila kept her eyes on Taylor once Lauren got him out of the car. "You'll have to find out later tonight once he's in bed."

"I know that I can't carry him yet, but at least let me take the bag." Camila reached out for it and smiled when she got it and put it over her shoulder. She took the keys from her fiancee and went to unlock the door for them.

Lauren handed Camila the bag as they headed up the driveway. She walked through the front door. She set the sleeping baby in the car seat on the ground as she took her jacket and shoes off before unbuckling him and picking him up, cradling him to her chest. Lauren leaned over to kiss Camila before she walked into the living room and sat in the corner of the couch with Taylor still in her arms.

Camila smiled into the kiss. "I love you so much." She smiled to her as she sat down beside her fiancé on the sofa. "I want to hold him. I'm sitting so I'm allowed to hold him now." Camila was so attached to her baby and couldn't get enough of him. It took all Camila had not to coo at him when she had him in her arms and shifted so she could lay her head down onto Lauren's lap.

Lauren smiled as her fiancé came and sat next to her on the couch. She sighed and sat up some to put Taylor in Camila's arms. She loved being close to her son, but she had spent a lot of time with him alone the past few weeks. She kissed her fiancé's temple as she placed the little boy in her arms. She leaned back and helped Camila lay her head in her lap. She ran her fingers through the woman's hair. "So why does Taylor have to be in bed to get my present?" She asked curiously. "I want to give you your present, too. I hope you will love it." She said with a chuckle.

Camila sighed softly as she felt Lauren's fingers through her hair. "Because I want to have a Christmas with just you, baby. I love Taylor, but we should have been able to have Christmas without him yet." She turned her head some in order to look at the tree. Camila smiled sadly before she sat up some.

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