"I'm not going anywhere."

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Lauren was at work and she was driving around in the patrol car with Normani. A call came in on the radio alerting them to a domestic violence situation happening at a home a couple blocks away. "10-4 Unit 3 on the way." She said as her partner headed in the direction of the house.

Once they got there they got out of the car and immediately heard yelling and screaming. They rushed up to the house and knocked on the door loudly. "Boulder Police, open up!" Lauren yelled through the door.

When no one answered Normani busted down the door and they both entered the house. They saw a man holding a gun to his wife's head. Lauren and her partner both pulled their weapons. "Put the gun down!" Normani yelled. After a while of screaming and yelling Lauren went to make a move and suddenly she found herself on the ground, blood pouring out of her abdomen.

Across the other side of town, Camila was showing her designs to her new client. She smiled across the table as she finished showing the older couple what she planned on doing in their son's bedroom. "What do you think?"

The mother nodded and smiled at Camila, "It's perfect. But I want to show Josh when he gets home to make sure he's going to like it too. You took everything he liked and came up with this it's incredible."

Camila nodded in understanding just as her phone rang. She reached into her bag to grab the device, frowning some when she saw Normani's name on her screen. "Excuse me one moment." She got up from the table and went out into the living room. "Hello?"

"Hey Camila... I know you're working, but you have to get to the hospital... now. It's Lauren." Camila's heart dropped as she spoke to her girlfriend's partner.

The more she listened, the more she felt the color leaving her face. "I'll... I'll be right there." Camila rested her hand on her small baby bump as she tried to keep herself from shaking. She quickly excused herself from the house, stating a family emergency before she sped toward the hospital.

Lauren felt a bunch of people pushing on her stomach, but the only thing she could feel was pain. "Fuck!" She screamed out when one of the EMS drivers touched her abdomen. She felt the gurney drop as they got out of the ambulance and she was rushed into the emergency room. A bunch of nurses and doctors greeted them at the door and immediately went to work.

"We need to get her up to surgery right away! Before she starts losing more blood!" She heard one of the doctors yell out.

Lauren weakly shook her head, "No. My girlfriend. I need to talk to my girlfriend first. Please." She begged.

The doctors looked at one another and decided to wait "We are giving her 10 minutes to get here and then we have to take you up." Lauren nodded as she coughed up a little blood into a bed pan.

Camila ran into the hospital, not caring that her car was in a tow-away zone. She spotted Normani at the doorway and immediately made her way toward her.

"She got them to wait so she could see you." Camila nodded some as she was led into her girlfriend's room.

"Lauren?" The younger woman brought her hand up to cover her mouth as she looked at her girlfriend on the bed. She'd been stripped down to just her bra so they could get to her stomach.

As she took a moment to look around, she saw the bloodied pads on the floor from where they were trying to stop Lauren's bleeding. Camila pushed her way through nurses in order to get to the head of her bed. She gently wrapped her arms around her and kissed the top of her head. "I'm here baby... I'm here." She murmured.

Lauren was anxiously waiting for Camila to show up. She was in a considerable amount of pain because one of the nurses was pressing on her abdomen to control the bleeding. She looked up at the door and saw her girlfriend rushing through the doctors and nurses. She smiled weakly at Camila when the woman hugged her. "Hi, baby." She said. "I'm glad you made it." Lauren said as she coughed up some more blood into the bedpan. She leaned back and grimaced at the pain. "I'll be okay. Just be strong." Lauren whispered as she reached her hand up to touch Camila's cheek.

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