*UNDER REVISION; abbreviations here and there.*
They blame love when they say it makes you do crazy things. It is the victim of love that is responsible for the aftermath of their down fall.
Because you fell too deep into it, it will control you.
"Why do they always have to go where the ghost obviously is?" Bella complained before throwing a piece of popcorn into her mouth.
"I don't know, I think that's kind of how the person gets to the ghost in order to get the audience to be scared. It's what makes the movie a horror movie y'know. But what do I know? It's just my theory." I smirked before I had pieces of popcorn thrown at me.
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"Very, funny." She rolled her eyes playfully before turning back to the t.v.
"I think they're just stupid. Deliberately putting your self in danger? It's just like giving yourself up for a sacrifice." Bella paused the movie, walking over to me from where I stood.
"What if they were just brave? Curious." I moved closer so that our feet were touching.
"You can't be curious about everything Micah. Some things are dangerous." She moved away from me to take my drink that stood behind me on the counter.
"Anyone can do anything when they're in danger Isabella, even if it's to save their life or that of their loved ones." I leaned on the counter as she sat on it gulping down the drink before speaking up again.
"Your so cheesy."
I was two hours into my first official session. The crackers were almost gone and the glass is currently on it's third refill of orange juice.
"Starving yourself wasn't the wisest choice." Viv said as she scribbled down something in her notebook.
"I didn't starve myself." I say taking a sip of my drink.
"And that's why we are going nowhere. We've been going back and forth for hours. How do you expect to make any progress if you can't even accept one of your mistakes?"
"Mistakes?" I asked.
"Yes Micah. You haven't been eating properly and my guess is cause your still depressed. Like something's missing. We obviously know what is so I've come up with an easy solution to serve as a first step." She closes her notebook giving me full on attention.
"I'm not going to start seeing anyone else." The thought sounded wrong like I were betraying Isabella.
"But it's okay that she's seeing someone else?" She glared at me. Viv had gotten, meaner, since our last encounter. I sighed.
"You know I'd never do it. It's been so long and no ones like her." I complain honestly.
"That's why a good change is always necessary. Once you've taken a nice shower, brushed your teeth and hair and live a proper life style you'll be every girls Prince Charming." Viv smiled regardless of noticing the insults she threw at me.
"No dates." I say to her with complete seriousness.
She sighed releasing a breath that seemed to be held for a long time.
"I wanted you to show up with a friend on Friday. I know you won't speak to anyone immediately so it's good that you have someone there with you." She said, failing to change the subject but succeeding to get me confused.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"Your mothers gathering on Friday."
"I'm not going..."
"You said you would."
"But I'm not."
She rubbed her fingers against her temples.
"Your class is over Micah. Make sure you take your pills and you come over tomorrow." Viv said shocking me. I grabbed the rating and sleeping pills she sat on the table for me before slowly standing up.
A knock was heard before Viv called for who ever was outside to come in.
The door opened and of course it would be Carmen the check out girl. But today cigarettes and ponytail guy was here. Their hands were interlaced.
"Uh hey." The man said to me awkwardly.
"I thought you said it was a woman." He whispered into Carmen's ear not aware threat I had heard him.
"Hello, I'm Vivian. Carmen's said a lot about you." Viv walked past me and motioned for the pair to come in.
Carmen didn't acknowledge at me as she walked over to the bigger sofa that was in the middle of where Viv and I sat.
"Why am I not surprised." He said and looked towards Carmen making me unsure if he was being playful or not.
"Only good things I hope." He added and smiled at Viv a bit too toothy before making his way over to where Carmen sat. He looked different from the last time I saw him.
No eye bags.
The stench seemed to be gone.
He looked happy.
I walked out of the door not wanting to pry any longer ignoring the glare Angela shot me on my way to the elevator.
There was nothing on tonight as usual. The tv stations were doing nothing but making me feel worse. Why was Viv being so strange? She had never dismissed any of the classes in such a haste.
"Maybe it's because she's jealous." I heard someone say. Making me quickly turn to where the voice must have come from. I was on my feet now, confused yet alert.
"Who's there?" I whispered. No one was there obviously.
I looked round the room and sat back down on the couch.
"She's jealous of me." She said.
She sat next to me on our couch. Looking deeply into my eyes.
"You came back? I knew you would." I whisper to her before leaning in. So so desperate to feel her lips on mine.
Feeling nothing, I opened my eyes. My heart raced when I saw that she was gone.
"Isabella! Isabella!" I yelled as I scattered the entire apartment in search for her.
I couldn't find her. Even after turning the apartment inside out. The beating in my chest was in an uneven rhythm. Why did I let her slip away.
I kicked the tv causing it to fall into the ground. The loud bang created a sting in my ears as I try to gather my thoughts. Her eyes, how beautifully real they looked and her voice as clear as water.