Detention Buddies

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The last bell rang signaling the end of the day. I wandered over to my locker to find both Nick and Nathan there. They seemed to be arguing about something, but I couldn't understand what they were saying. Neither one of them noticed me so I chose to approach them quietly.

"You better fucking stay away from her!" Nathan whisper yelled.

"Why is someone jealous?" Nick smirked.

"Jealous of what, you're a piece of shit."

"Look she's already mine. There is nothing you can do about it." Nick bragged getting up in Nathan's face.

"You better back the fuck up before I fuck you up!" He did the same only he was taller and buffer.

I pretend not to hear anything and just casually open my locker. They both became tense and shut up rather quickly.

"Hey guys." I smiled pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear. "You ready?" I motioned towards Nathan.

"Ready for what?" Nick asked.

"We are going on our first date. Scratch that second date!" He smirked wrapping his arm around my waist. My mouth fell open and I stood there shocked.

"Wait wha-" I cut him off by waving goodbye and dragging Nathan with me to detention. As soon as we arrived I slapped him on the back of head.

"Ow! Rude!"

"What you did back there was rude!" I growled slapping him again.

"Chill shorty." He laughed before realizing what he said.

All my anger was gone, I could only focus on the memories of those short two weeks. I remember our hands touching on our first date. My heart beat could be heard from a mile away. Or the night we met Nick. He left to go get some drinks for us and Nathan just had to start up with the nickname again. I laughed thinking about how annoying he was and how at the time I hated every moment with him. But then, when he left I wanted nothing more than to be with him. I guess you don't realize the value of things until it is taken away.

"Hey I'm sorry for everything. I shouldn't have just left without saying anything."

"You shouldn't have left at all." I snapped tears begging to stream down my face, but I wouldn't let them. I don't even understand why I feel like crying.

"I know, I know. I shouldn't have ever left you. Not this school but you. You didn't deserve to have to go through that." He said wiping away my tears.

"I looked for you. I went to your house and asked to see you but everytime they said you weren't there. I went to Ethan's to see if you were hiding there. I asked all around school wandering where you were. I even went to the cliff where we had our first date. God what an amazing time, I've never felt that worthy of anything. But then you left and everything thing fell apart. It was terrible I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat. I hated listening to music because it would remind me of your voice when we sang to the American dream."I rambled on now full on crying. I only knew him for a short period of time. But does time really matter? All that's truly important is that he made those two months the best time of my life.

"Shhh I know, I'm a complete jackass. Look I'm not saying I'm any better but...Nick doesn't deserve you. He has done some things in his past..."

"Nathan what are you getting at?"

"I can't say what happened that's his job to tell you. Or your job to ask. "He frowned holding my hand in his. I felt nervous and comfortable at the same time. To be honest, I miss this feeling.

"Nathan everyone has a past weather its good or bad." I sighed.

"Alex I understand that, trust me if anyone I do. But his past wasn't made for him, he made it himself. You know what can we talk?"

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