Anti Social

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The cold breeze swept over us and I smiled as Nick walked over towards me. Our group was hanging out in my backyard just laughing and talking.

Teresa and Ethan were hogging the hammock. I looked over my shoulder to see Nathan standing there at the door. Him and Nick still haven't made up.

"I'm gonna go grab something to drink, would you like anything?"

"Um sure just a coke." He said, not even daring to look me in the eyes. I sighed and turned towards Nathan.

I walked over to him and smiled.

"You wanna grab something to drink?"

"Yeah." He smiled uncomfortably. He led the way inside and over to the kitchen.

"What would you like?" He asked opening the fridge.

"For you to be social again."

He sighed and closed the fridge, turning to face me slowly.

"Fine, a water and coke for Nick."

He reopened the fridge and grabbed a coke. He made his way over to the sink grabbing a cup on the way. He turned the water on and began to fill it up.

"You know the least you could do is acknowledge him."

He shut the water off and handed me my cup.

"I could do that, or I could go back home."

"Nathan, come on please?"

"Shorty, how the hell am I supposed to talk to someone who dosen't want to talk to me?"

"The same way I've talked to every single human being." I smirked. He laughed and shook his head.

"Its not that easy." He took my hand and pulled us back outside. I walked over to Nick handing him his drink. He looked up and nodded at me. I scoffed on the inside but I'm not willing to start a fight tonight.

I walked away from Nick and over to Teresa instead.

"Hey gorgeous." She smiled.

"Hey beautiful, Ethan you mind if I steal her for just a moment?" Reluctantly he let go, sighing dramatically might I add. I laughed and took her inside with me.

"What's up?"

"I don't know I'm just starting to get extremely worried."

"Why what's wrong?"

"Is Nick ever going to ask me to homecoming? There's 4 days left. It's this Friday Teresa!"

"I know, I know, but I'm sure he will. He really likes you, he's gotta take you to homecoming. Plus you guys have been official for a while now."

"But what if he dosen't?"

"He will-"

"But if he dose-"

"Then screw him. He obviously wouldn't be worth your time and I'm sure youd find someone even better to go with." Somehow this did make me feel better. Teresa is amazing, shes the best friend anyone could ever ask for.

"Guys it's getting late and its sunday. Everyone go home." My dad said peaking his head out the door. We laughed watching them all sigh and head back in. Ethan being the dramatic one he is, proceeded to fall out of the hammock and onto the grass.

Teresa didn't even flinch to help him, instead stood here with me, laughing.

"You staying the night again?" My dad asked Teresa.

"Only if it's cool with you Mr. C."

My dad smiled and nodded heading up to his room.

Teresa and I walked the boys out exchanging laughs towards Ethan who now had grass stains.

I walked Nick to the car and tried to hug him. He just fake smiled and got in the car. He drove off without a real goodbye. I sighed and looked over at Nathan who was trudging up the hill to his house.

"Nathan!" I yelled trying to get him to wait up. He didn't hear me so I ran trying to catch up.



"Retarded giraffe!" He slowly turned around a smirk plastered on his face.

"Yes Shorty?"

"Can, I walk you home?"

"Seems as if you already are."

We walked alongside each other approaching his house. We arrived at his doorstep and I smiled awkwardly. He shook his head smiling, letting out a soft chuckle.

"Goodnight Shorty."

"Goodnight Nathan."

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