Is This Just A Dream?

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"This is Nick and he'll be joining us." I waited for some dumb comment to come out their mouths. Surprisingly no one said a word. So I smiled and Nick and I sat down in the booth. The rest of them sat down too. Nathan on one side of me Nick on the other.

"Shall we get started?" Nick offered.

"Yeah." I said trying to break the awkward tension.

Ethan got up to bowl first. On his first try he tripped and got gutter right away causing the boys to laugh. Teresa was sarcastically congratulating him. He just stuck his tounge out like a four year old.

"Ethan don't fail." Nathan yelled.

"Or fall!" Nick chimed in. The boys kept laughing and I was happy everything was working out. Ethan went again and knocked over 1 pin. Our whole group busted out laughing. Ethan just sighed but you could see the smile he was trying to prevent.

Teresa got up to bowl as Ethan went to the restroom leaving me here to talk to two guys alone. I could already sense the awkward tension building up.

"Hey I'm gonna go get us some drinks. What do you guys want?" Nick asked getting up out of his seat.

"Coke and she will have a Pepsi." Nathan answered for me. Rude, I mean I did want Pepsi and all but how did he know. I gave him a glare, which of course causes him to laugh.

"What's wrong with you, shorty?" He smirks.

"Is that your new nickname for me?" I growl.



"Cause your short." He replies with a Duh tone.

"Well what if I called" I tried to think what would work. "I know! Retarded giraffe!"

"What the fuck?" He laughs. "What kinda name is that?"

"You see your retarded and your tall. Giraffes are tall so you are the Retarded Giraffe!" I scream happily. He shakes his head as Nick comes back with the drinks. He sets them down and smiles at me. I hear Nathan murmur something under his breath but I can't make out the words.

"Thanks Nick." I say smiling back at him. Teresa and Ethan walk back over and sit down. I look up at the screen and see its my turn. I sigh I'm not really good at bowling or any thing competitive. I grabbed my bowling ball of the racks and walked over to the lane. I swung my arm back and released the ball. I watched as it immediately went to the gutter. I could already hear the roar of laughter coming from their mouths. I turn around and see everyone but Nick laughing. He walks over towards me and places a hand on my waist causing my breathing to hitch.

"Let me help you." He smiled grabbing my hand. I felt chills go through my body as he grabbed the bowling ball. He placed it in my hands and got behind me. He swung our arms back and we let go. I could feel his minty breath on my neck as we watched the ball. It knocked over all the pins.

"We did it!" I screamed overly excited that I actually did it.

"Nah, that was all you." Nick blushed still holding my hand in his. He pulled us over to the booth where we sat down and finished the game. The score ended up being

Nick: 200
Nathan: 143
Alex: 132
Teresa: 120
And poor Ethan had only 42.

We were walking over to lazer tag first and then planned on going to do some roller coasters.

"Hey wanna try something." Nick said pulling me back; our hands had still been intertwined.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked my brows furrowed in confusion.

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