First Date

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We had been driving for what seemed like forever, it was already around 1 o'clock. I was really annoyed, I had asked multiple times where we going and got no response just a quiet Shhh. I looked out my window and gazed at the buildings passing by. Suddenly his car slowed down and I looked up and saw we pulled into a driveway.

"Where are we?" I questioned turning towards him.

"A friends house, he's throwing a party. Is that okay?" He asked looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Um I guess..." I turned away as the door opened and some guy stumbled over to us.

"Hey man get your ass in here!" He laughed. Nick laughed too and got out of the car. He slowly walked over to my door and let me out.

I stared at my wrist and played with my bracelet. Why did this have to be my first date? I had always dreamed of my first date being amazing, not some stupid party. However with my lack of being able to say no I found my feet walking towards the door. I mean I was attracted to Nick and didn't want to just leave. He opened the door all to quickly the smell of alcohol hitting me instantly. I scrunched up my nose and walked inside.

"You okay?" Nick said wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Um yeah, it's just parties aren't sort of my thing." I lied. Well it's half true, parties aren't my thing. But I couldn't stand being here. It's not like I have Teresa here to help me! I've never been to a party and while I was excited to be at my first one, I didn't want it to be on my first date.

"Well let's get you a drink!" Nick smiled kissing my cheek. I blushed but then frowned after I had understood what he had said.

"Nick it's only 1:14." I said checking my phone.


"So one it's too early to be drinking, and two even if it were later you shouldn't drink." I argued to this he just laughs.

"Your so cute when your mad." He smiles. Nathan had said those exact same words, yet unlike Nathan it didn't give me chills. It didn't make my stomach fill with butterflies it just made me angrier.

"Take me home!"

"What?" He asks giving me a puzzled look.

"You heard me, take me HOME!" I yelled getting more annoyed by the second.

"Alex chill!" He spat.

"Really this is my first date and your taking me to a party?" I yelled louder.

"Damn girl,-"

"Don't damn girl me, now get your ass in the car and drive me home!" I stared at him as he just stood there shaking his head. "Fine!" I screamed yanking the keys out of his hands.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry!" He said getting into the drivers seat, and with that we left. We had just arrived at my house, finally after around 2 hours of silence in the car. I unbuckled myself and opened the car door. I ran up and inside my house Nick following me. I got in just in time and slammed the door. I looked around and noticed the house was empty so I decided to just go downstairs. I sat on my bed and pulled out my phone. I frantically typed in Teresa's number and pressed call.


"Hey Teresa we need to talk! I-I"

'Just kidding you've got my voicemail, call ya never!'

Why did I always have to fall for that. I pulled the covers over my body and lied there crying into my sheets. I found myself falling into a deep sleep. My phone started to ring causing me to jump. Hoping it was Teresa I reached over and grabbed it.

"Hello?" I sniffled.

"Hey." A deep voice said.

"W-who is this?"

"It's Nathan." I could almost see the smirk on his face when he said that.

"How did you, wait what? How did you get this number?" I scratched my head trying to figure this out.

"I may have done it when I said I was doing GPS." He laughs as if it's okay.

"Ugh." I sniffled again.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing just my allergies." I lied, I couldn't let him know I had been crying.

"I know that's not it."

"It's nothing okay!" I growl.

"I'll be over in five!" Before I could say no he hung up. I jumped out of bed and ran around my room cleaning up the clothes and trash. I decided to run upstairs and make sure everything was cleaned up. When I walk upstairs I see a pink note sticking to the kitchen door.

'Hey it's Teresa I left early to go on a date with Ethan. I will come to your house tomorrow to find out how it all went! Oh yeah by the way, your sister told me to tell you that she is staying at her 'friends' house tonight. Anyways love you!'

I took the note and put it in my pocket. That's when the doorbell rang, I rushed over towards it and opened it.

"H-hey N-Nathan." I say wiping my eyes to make sure there aren't any tears.

"Hey um, why is a pissed off Nick sitting in your driveway?" He said motioning towards Nick's car that was parked in front of my house. I checked my phone to see it was 8 at night. I was surprised he had stayed but I still didn't want to talk to him. I pulled Nathan in quickly and slammed the door.

"Alex what's wrong?" A concerned look became visible on his face.

"Why are you here?" I tried dodging the question.

"That's not an answer! Now tell me!" He demanded.

"Look Nathan not to be rude but, you don't know me enough to just get to walk in here and pretend like you care!" I spat at him. His lips curved into a straight line and he turned around. He started walking to the door. I know I was right, but did that matter? I mean he barely knows me yet when he heard me crying he came straight over! I can't believe I'm saying this but "Nathan wait!"

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