I Need You...

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My dad wouldn't talk to me the entire ride and neither would my sister, he dropped us off at school and we went in.

"Victoria?" I croaked.

"What?" She said harshly. I could tell she didn't mean it though, she was mad but she didn't want to be.

"Ha-ave I changed?" I stuttered choking on my words.

"Sis I'm gonna be honest with you. You have a lot and I know that wether you liked Nathan or not he meant something to you, he changed you for the better. You guys knew each other for such a short period of time and yet he was able to make you laugh and smile like you had been friends forever. I saw the way you acted around each other, I've never seen you so nervous and yet at the same time comfortable. He had that affect on you. Usually you don't care what anyone thinks but you always cared what he thought. Not in a bad way but in a good way like you wanted him to 'like' you so bad. Even if you didn't want to admit it to yourself you knew you cared deeply about him. He made you so happy." She sighed running her fingers through her hair.

I nodded my head not knowing why but knowing that was the only response I was capable of giving.

"Look I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life-"

"No. I get it." I sighed.

"Ill find you some clothes and drop them off 2nd hour." I looked down to realize I had been wearing a tshirt and pajama shorts. Despite being completely embarrased and freezing might I add, I chose to wave goodbye and trudge over to my first hour. It was only 9 and I still had 20 minutes left in class. I knocked on the door and took a deep breath in, preparing myself for all the awkward attention that was coming my way. The door opened all to quickly with a face that I wish I didn't see.

"Mrs. Cooper care to explain why you are late to my class?" Mrs. Johnson asked tapping her fingers on the door. Her eyes now taking in my underdressed appearance.

"It's a long story..." I frowned not really wanting to give an explanation.

"I can see," she sighed "however, this has been happening way to much, one more tarty and you'll be expelled." She spat. I nodded my head and took my seat.

"What are you doing?" A voice asked. I looked up and saw Nathan. I froze and my breathing stopped. My heart raced along with my mind. When did he come back? Why is he talking to me? What the frick is happening?


"Why are you sitting back here?" He said rather coldly. I gasped and then shook my head confused. I glanced around and realized I was in the way back of the room....I do sit here often now. Maybe it's because ive changed or maybe I felt closer to him this way.

"I um, I just felt like it?" I answered although it came off as a question. I heard a soft chuckle and saw him smile a little. Damn that smile still gets to me every single time. I watched as his eyes closed and lips curved into a perfect smile. The lips I had once stared at so intently. The lips that had once almost touched mine. The lips I wanted to kiss so bad but I can't. I made a promise and a commitment to Nick.

I frowned, knowing that that day can only mean nothing. But of course I continued to stare at him. I took in his full appearance now, he had a black sweatshirt, with black jeans. Although he had bright white shoes.

"Are you Goth?" I spoke, I mentally face palmed myself after asking. I haven't talked to this guy in a month, maybe even longer and now I'm asking if he is Goth? Man sometimes I can be stupid.

"Actually all the time." He laughed. Oops I guess I called myself stupid out loud, well it's not the first time. "I'm not Goth I just happen to like the color black." He smiled I blushed but hid my face.  Why am I blushing he just smiled he didn't say he loves you. "You haven't changed at all, your still the same you." He smiled showing his teeth. Little did he know that was no where near the truth.

"Am I?" I paused "Nevermind. Um so not to ruin the awkward tension we have going on but where the hell have you been?" I rambled.

"At home."


"I'd rather not talk about it."

"Fine but why haven't you answered any of my calls or messages?"

"I thought you'd be to busy with Nick to see them." He mumbled thinking I couldn't hear him although I could.

"What do you have against Nick?"

"Don't even get me started." He growled in response.

I shook my head "Fine be a d*ck about it then." I sassed.

"Did you just call me a d*ck?"

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't, whatcha gonna do about it?" I mocked teasing him.

"B*tch please!" He sassed back in a teen girl kinda way. He snapped his fingers and did a dramatic hair flip. A large smile spread across my face and I began to laugh so hard that I ended up snorting. I kept mentally face palming myself but stopped when Nathan started laughing uncontrollably.

People started to look at me but I didn't care, I haven't laughed like this in so long that it felt so good. He laughed louder causing more eyes including the teachers to stare at us. His laugh was so contagious and I guess mine was too because we couldn't stop. We kept laughing even when Mrs. Johnson wrote detention slips for us. To say that I wasn't shocked at myself is a lie but to say that I wasn't happy is an even bigger one. Maybe my dad was right.

*leaving class*

I gathered my stuff and watched Nathan do the same. He looked up at me and saw what I was wearing.

"Arent you freezing?" He laughed.

"Yes now shut up. My sister should be bringing me clothes any minute." I motioned towards the door. "Which is why I need to go to meet her.

"I'll walk you there."

We walked to the bathroom and I rushed inside while he waited.

"Hey sis so all I found was a pair of leggings." She replied handing me them. I sighed going into a stall and putting them on.

After exiting the bathroom I waved goodbye to Victoria who rushed to class.

"You look freezing." Nathan laughed.

"This is all she had." I frowned tugging at the pants.

"Well here then." He said taking off his sweatshirt, his shirt underneath coming up just the slightest bit. He handed me his sweatshirt and begged me to put it on. I slid it over my head and thanked him.

"No problem."

We walked to my locker where Nick had been waiting. His eyes became wide at the sight of Nathan.

"You're back?" He asked shocked.

"Yeah." Nathan replied.

"Who's clothes are those?" Nick asked turning his attention towards me.

"Oh Victoria gave me the leggings."

"And the sweatshirt?"

"Nathan's..." I mumbled. He looked incredibly angry.

"Why are you wearing it?" He said through gritted teeth.

"It was cold and I had nothing else-"

"Dont interrogate her, she was fucking cold. So yeah she needed clothes. It's not the end of the world." He defended me.

Nick became silent, choosing not to argue with me around.

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