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     Athena smiled at the giggling baby girl in her arms. She just knew Fred would love the girl just as much as she did.
    A soft sigh escaped her. It was always so hard to let them go. She laid the child in the golden cradle and looked up at the West Wind god who stood patiently. "Take care of her, Zephyros."
    He smiled at the wisdom goddess kindly. "I always do. She'll arrive safe and sound."

    Fredrick Chase was in his office reading a history book when he heard the doorbell. He stretched, and realized just how long he had been hunched over the book. It was almost seven.
    Which raised the question. Who would be knocking at this time in the morning?
    Downing the last of his long cold coffee and rubbing his eyes, he got up and went to the front door. He turned the knob and realized there was no one there. He shrugged and began to turn away when he heard a soft gurgle.
     Looking down, Fred was startled to realize there was a baby in a golden cradle on the doorstep. The baby seemed to smile up at him with wide grey eyes. Curly blonde hair sprouted from her small scalp and in a small fist she clutched a letter.
    He looked around quickly, hoping to see the baby's mother rushing away. No such luck.
    Reluctantly kneeling down, he lifted the surprisingly light cradle and carried it inside only to set it on his dinning room table. Carefully, he took the letter and spotted very familiar, neat caligraphy.
    "Athena..." He said softly, looking at the girl. "Why can't you keep her?"
    There was a knock on the door before it opened. "She's your daughter, Fred. I thought you would love her."
    "You know how busy I am. Can't you care for her? At least until I get everything together." Fredrick asked, hopeful. He wasn't ready for a child, not now. Couldn't she see that?
    Her grey eyes turned steely. "Demigods are raised by their mortal parents. Annabeth is your daughter, Fredrick, and mine. Do well to remember that fact." She began to glow slightly in her anger.
    The mortal turned quickly as she vanished with a bright burst of light.
    Fredrick Chase stood over the now sleeping girl. A sigh escaped him. "I guess we're stuck with each other, Annabeth." He said, trying out the name Athena had given the small girl.
    The girl yawned in her sleep, shifting slightly as her father carried the crib to a small table in the corner of his bedroom then laid down in his own bed, staring over at the child he could not see.
    Eventually, he dozed off, dreaming of happier times with the love of his life.

A/N. OK so Wattpad had deleted this chapter. I was originally planning on rewriting the whole story.... but I'm kinda lazy and have other things to do. Sorry. I hope you guys enjoy!!! Please leave a comment, I know it's an old story, but I love comments. Bye! Maybe I'll get around to this one again. I'm also considering making other, before you met the character stories for PJO. Tell me what you think, yay or nay?

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