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Annabeth's pov

  I really did try not to get into any arguments and to actually get comfortable with my family.

  But Suzanne wasn't on the same table as me. It was obivous she wanted me gone, end of story.

  We sat down for dinner.

  The twins had finally gotten used to me so they were best buds with me, or so they thought. School started in a few days as Suzanne loved to remind me. I usually act excited just to annoy her.

  The fact was, I was a bit nervous. I wonder what my old bullies will do.

  Well, I do know one thing.

  I won't let them squash me.

  "So, how was your life after you left?" Dad asks.

  "Difficult at first. Then Thalia and Luke found me and it got a little harder, but so much easier to bare. After Luke and I made it into Camp it was pretty fun. And no, Suzanne, stay out of my business with what happened, I am definetly not ready to go into details." I say.

  Whatever she was about to say, stayed in her mouth. Good.

  The rest of dinner was silent. After dinner I went up to my old bedroom.

  Nothing had changed.

  My sketches were still on the wall, my bed was still a bit messy from being hastilly made, my closet door was still slightly a jar, my books were still neat on the shelf and stacked in a corner of the room, and there, right on the pillow...

  "Callie?" I ask.

  She was bigger now. She looked up at me and jumped off the bed. I leaned down and picked her up. I buried my face in her soft fur as she purrs contently. "I missed you little fuzz ball." I say happily.

  I sat on the bed and set the calico on my lap, scratching her ear as I look around the room.

  Eventually I lay down with Callie curled up beside me, still purring contently. I smile softly and fall asleep peacfully.

  Could this place be home again?

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